Newbie in need of aid

Hello there, I am new to GoH and I am very confused.
I understand the general gameplay, I just don't want to make any mistakes early on incase I decide to stick it out and get good.
Any advice?

I would like to know the best heroes to level up and to focus since I don't want to waste drones and gold. I joined a couple of days ago and on level 24.
Here is what I have
4*s: Kylo Ren, Admiral Ackbar, Nute Gunray
3*s: Clone Wars Chewie; Luke (Farmboy), Talia
2*s: Jedi Consular
1*s: Royal Guard, Clone Sergeant- Phase 1, Ewok Scout, Snowtrooper


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    Build a resistance squad as soon as you can, they will be used everywhere. Phoenix squad also has tons of uses.
  • Osik
    235 posts Member
    phoenix squad is very good early to mid game, they can help with thrawn, palpatine and yoda events... you can get hera and ezra from cantina, chopper from cantina battles store, kanan from squad arena, and zeb from GW store... sabine is a really good dps, but is a hard node only farm, the other 5 are super easy to get... work on phoenix then empire, thrawn, palpatine, tie pilot, royal guard and vader or tarkin are good empire units...
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    There are tons of YouTube videos on “best characters”, how to farm, who to farm, etc. Some of the better tubers out there are: AhnaldT101, Mobile Gamer, Warrior, Nukin, CubsFanHan, McMole, Crazy Excuses....bunch of others. Plus, there’s excellent advice on this thread; if you spend some time searching you can find a good number of posts regarding new player advice. A possible summary:
    - farm up scoundrels for the recurring credit heist will need a ton of credits. Boba, Lando, STH, IG88...
    - If you are F2P or mostly so, keep your focus narrow: farm good toons that fill multiple purposes
    - get in a good guild that is doing heroic raids; either find one that doesn’t mind a newbie tagging along or do a lot of research about Rancor and HAAT teams and start gaming those now (hint: Jyn Erso appears in a lot of rancor comps. Remember, you don’t need to be able to solo the raids, just contribute.
    - get a SWGOH.GG account...tons of resources
    - Gear level and mods will fuel your success, and farming those takes energy, and energy refreshes require crystals, so being top 10 in both squad and fleet arenas can help to immensely (there are videos about how to start off in arena) since higher ranks pay out more crystals.
    - You will need an LS Squad and a DS Squad and scoundrels to start with. Many advise farming Phoenix because they are incredibly versatile, but I think you should hold off a bit.

    Here’s what I’d do: farm Boba from cantina store, Lando from his cantina node and Stormtrooper Han from Squad arena Shipments: that would give you 3 more Scoundrels and 2 more Rebels, so your starting arena team could be:
    Ackbar, Lando, Luke, STH and either Kylo or Boba (leaning more toward Boba). Get these guys to five stars and gear them as high as you can....then you can farm Phoenix if you like.

    There’s more, but I’ve already written a novel. Be wary of old advice as this game is continually evolving (that was my mistake) and realize that just because a particular toons is lame right now, doesn’t mean it will always be.
    Good luck, and welcome to the game!
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    I tell every new player that I wished I'd have watched this when I started -
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    Phoenix will be a very good choice early on they’re easily obtainable at a lower level too (zeb from galactic war, kanan from arena, chopper from cantina store)
    You’ll have to get both Hera and Ezra from cantina battles (Ezra is on battle 2-B and Hera is on 1-F) so that’ll take a bit to get both.
    Chopper might take longer as well as it’s a little slow for cantina tokens early on but once you have him and zeb you’ll pull through easily into higher arena rankings as most early teams can’t compete with their protection and health regen.

    Hope this helps you good luck!
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