Who to gear 8....?

Ezra vs Lando.

I usually don’t used lando in Arena. I run wedge, Biggs, boba, STHan, Ezra.

All are gear 8 except for Ezra and lando. I use ezra versus everyone except for other wedge leads where I switch out and put lando in there for extra speed to drag peeps down. The syringe thingy needing 50 is a killer.. who should I gear 8?


Should I save it to gear someone to 9 faster?....


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    Ezra to eight,
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    That was fast! He’s usually the first to die so it makes sense in that respect.
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    Ezra is also very useful in other setups, plus you want Phoenix built well, so it's a good way to go for sure
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    Worth it to gear the rest of Phoenix to 8? I got Hera and Zeb there now.
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    Honestly. I would gear them to 11, I held mine at eight for the longest time, largely due to getting thrawn with them at eight, but with good mods , however, I started gearing them when we got LS TB, and I'm liking them more as they are geared up higher. They are actually rather entertaining to use, work well in several game modes. As well as allow you to acquire several legendary chars.

    Hit gear eight, then work one at a time to nine, then ten, etc, in the background as you work on other projects/squads. You will get your gears (money's) use/worth out of them.
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    Ezra for sure, for all the reasons Ghost mentioned. He can help with 4 different legendary events, is required for 2, and has triple tags.
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    Gear 9 is hard enough! They all need 50 of those purples that I can’t get from a node!

    Thank you for all the replies.
  • Naraic
    2243 posts Member
    edited December 2017
    The Palpatine event will be in January. You may want to gear all of phoenix to gear viii to help you get Pakpatine. Ezra definitely gear viii.

    Even if you don't want to use Palpatine much he is good in raids (tank take down phase 3) and dstb and he is one of the better empire characters for the r2d2 event.

    That said what level are you and did you manage credit heist easily enough last time. If it's difficult or your next credit heist will be on another tier lando may make sense.
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    I did put Ezra to 8.
    Phoenix is almost all 8 except for chops and kanan. Illl be ready for that palp event! Is it possible to be done by a wedge Biggs Ezra lando STHan combo as well?

    I tried to do the 5 Star R2 challenge and failed miserably. I don’t think I’ll be able to do it before it ends.
  • Naraic
    2243 posts Member
    Omnixent wrote: »
    I did put Ezra to 8.
    Phoenix is almost all 8 except for chops and kanan. Illl be ready for that palp event! Is it possible to be done by a wedge Biggs Ezra lando STHan combo as well?

    I tried to do the 5 Star R2 challenge and failed miserably. I don’t think I’ll be able to do it before it ends.

    Yeah you can do the Palpatine with another rebels combination. I would focus on Phoenix though. Thrawn is coming in Febraury and that's relics only.
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    Omnixent wrote: »
    Gear 9 is hard enough! They all need 50 of those purples that I can’t get from a node!

    Thank you for all the replies.
    Yeah, Stun Cuffs are a real roadblock. The good news is that eventually you can get them reliably in the Guild and Shard Stores. Shard store takes a little while until you have a bunch of characters at 7*, then you'll get up to 10 shards a day that can convert right to currency, and Guild takes a while until you've farmed the characters you want most out of it. But once you get there you can really start racking up the Stun Cuffs (and Stun Guns and Holoprojectors and all that other stuff) real fast.

    Good luck!
    Ceterum censeo Patientia esse meliat.
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