do you have to refresh in ship arena to reach the top 200?

hi to the swgoh-universe,

home one, fo tie fighter, imperial tie fighter, clone‘s arc and fives starfighter, scimitar.
all 7* lvl 85, all pilots gear 12

biggs/wedge x-wing/ahsoka starfighter/resistance x-wing/jedi consular‘s starfighter
all 7* lvl 85, all pilots gear 11

tie advanced 6* lvl85 vader gear 11

kylo ren shuttle 5* lvl 85 all pilots gear 12

to make it short: i know home one isn‘t the big player in the top 50, perhaps also my fleet.

but i cannot understand, why i cannot reach the top 200 in my arena group without refresh. sometimes i have luck, but normally i have to pay 50 crystals for the 200 tokens more.

what experience do you have? is it „only“ a very strong ship-group?

do you have weaker ships but a better rank without refresh?

i cannot believe that all 200 ranks b fore me have all 7* ships and all pilots gear 12.


  • Naraic
    2243 posts Member
    There is a small number of shards that were made up entirely of people ranked top 10 in their arena shard when fleets were created. Are you in this group? If so tough luck and congratulations for not giving into the rat race and spending 500 crystals a day since the launch of ships to maintain top 10.
  • jedibaer71
    578 posts Member
    edited December 2017
    yesterday payout rank 206 with refresh. one more fight and i reached rank 178, but to late. over night i lost some ranks and „woke up“ on rank 423!!!

    any ideas or is it a bug?
    Post edited by jedibaer71 on
  • jedibaer71
    578 posts Member
    edited December 2017
    hi naraic,
    no, i am satiesfied with my 1200 arena token, total enough for me and for 50 token more i do not need the stress.
    but if it is not possible to reach the top 200 with such a fleet it only can be a bug. also if all 200 have the same payout-time.

    that‘s why i want to know, if you all have to pay to get the top200 reward...
    Post edited by jedibaer71 on
  • Options
    jedibaer71 wrote: »
    hi naraic,
    no, i am satiesfied with my 1200 arena token, total enough for me and for 50 token more i donöt need the stress.
    but if it is not possible to reach the top 200 with such a fleet it only can be a bug. also if all 200 have the same payout-time.

    that‘s why i want to know, if you all have to pay to get the top200 reward...
    What the other guy is saying is that there is one ship shard which has unbelievable amount of activity compared to others. Guys would climb from top 200 to top 5 each day. It sounds like you may be in this shard. However. If you aren't on this shard, the reason you don't rank top 200 is because you don't run Biggs. Fotp, TFP, Biggs, Vader + 1 (I use fives, but you can use reaper, bistan or Poe too) is the lineup most run, with scimi as first reserve. You should try something like this.
  • TVF
    36804 posts Member
    What you should stop doing is assuming there's a bug because you aren't doing as well as you want.
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    Do all your pilots have mk 5 lvl 15 mods?
    What capital ships surround you? Tarkin and Thrawn run the show currently. Home one is an easy target.
    Look for synergy in your fleet, for example, run Biggs in an all empire fleet maybe with FOTF, to get a much target lock as possible.
    Always put scimitar in reserves.

    The teams I avoid have that shoretrooper ship, or that Phoenix stuff, hard to deal with...
    You're running mostly "old ships", which is easier to deal with.

    That said, with executrix lead, I maintain top 20 with ease. So it might be just tough luck on your shard :-(
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    Your starting lineup isn't exactly meta. That makes you an easy and obvious target for other players.
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    my start formation is:

    home one

    fo tie fighter
    tie fighter
    clone sergeant
    fives starfighter

    all 7*, lvl 85, all pilots but biggs (gear11) are good modes gear12 characters

    scimitar 7*, lvl 85, zaul gear 12
    kylo shuttle 5* lvl 85, all 3 pilots gear12

    two others, depends...

    i don‘t say this is a meta team, but if this team cannot reach the top 200 one time a day, what do you think we need?

    could be the ship arena is a hard one, but some hundret good fleets and a few hours payout...
    can it be?
  • TVF
    36804 posts Member
    You need more target lockers for Biggs. Boba, Vader, etc.
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    That’s why I wait 2 days back at ships release before I joined arena . Totally dead shard and never dropped lower than 10
  • Darthpedro
    1175 posts Member
    edited December 2017
    If you haven't yet you should join and post a link to your profile so we can take a detailed look into your ships and see where things are.

    To answer your original question my fleet maintains top 50 easily usually not dropping farther than 35 sometimes I spend a refresh going for top 10
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    Just like regular arena, you will have to refresh once or twice a day to maintain your climb. Everyone gets pushed back, but if you win 10 straight each day, you will start you climb higher the next day. If your fleed is strong enough you shouldnt fall back to your starting position until you get towards the top.

    If you only do the minimum battles, youll never be able to make the climb.
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    hi darthpedro, que tal?

    my ships:
  • Waqui
    8802 posts Member
    jedibaer71 wrote: »
    hi to the swgoh-universe,

    home one, fo tie fighter, imperial tie fighter, clone‘s arc and fives starfighter, scimitar.
    all 7* lvl 85, all pilots gear 12

    biggs/wedge x-wing/ahsoka starfighter/resistance x-wing/jedi consular‘s starfighter
    all 7* lvl 85, all pilots gear 11

    tie advanced 6* lvl85 vader gear 11

    kylo ren shuttle 5* lvl 85 all pilots gear 12

    With that many pilots at g11 and g12 you ought to be able to do better on most shards. Do your pilots have 5 dot lvl 15 mods? Skills maxed?

    And which squadron do you use? Starting 5 and replacements.

    Only thing I can think of is, that your weak capital shim attracts attackers.

  • Waqui
    8802 posts Member
    Did you consider using your 5* Chimaera or 6*executrix instead of your 7* Home One? Both are better. Having that extra replacement is not that important. It's often your starting 5 and sometimes 1 replacement or 2 at most that should win the fights for you on offense.
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    hi waqui,

    i think, i have no other possibility...
    i couldn‘t believe, that the difference between 7* home one and „understared“ chimära and executrix are so big!
    my fault, i have to accept this asymmetry...

    So I have to use another ship and wait for a rework of this weak home one...
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    A large part of the issue would seem to be your shard. Sounds tough. In my shard your fleet would be top 5 daily with no refreshes. 1 refresh a day and you might have a chance at #1 most every day.
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    pfffff, bigbearxba, life isn‘t fair...
  • Waqui
    8802 posts Member
    jedibaer71 wrote: »
    my start formation is:

    home one

    fo tie fighter
    tie fighter
    clone sergeant
    fives starfighter

    all 7*, lvl 85, all pilots but biggs (gear11) are good modes gear12 characters

    scimitar 7*, lvl 85, zaul gear 12
    kylo shuttle 5* lvl 85, all 3 pilots gear12

    Did you try using Tie Advanced instead of clone sergeant's ship? Making target locks unremovable is great. Further more Tie Advanced has a far greater chance of hitting the enemy tie fighter (which has high chance of evading other ships). Personaly I only attack tie fighters with Tie Advanced until it's time to kill it in the end.

    But yes, with Home One you will always be selected as an easy target. Mace Windu is great on offense due to the speed when you get Valor going. I use it and can win almost any fight. It's mediocre on defense (still better than Ackbar) since target locks are not spread around by AI.
    Executrix is good on defense. Switch in Tie Reaper here instead of 5s to supply bonus TM for your capital ship. Executrix is all about getting the Imperial Assault ready before your enemy. Chimaera is considered the best all—round. I don't have much experience using it. On my offense with Mace Windu it doesn't scare me, though.

    Regarding 'good mods':
    Only the dots and level of the mods matter. Actual stats of the mods have no effect. (You may be aware of that already, though).

    Good luck, with everything :—)

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    hi waqui, thanks for your post.

    now i try it with mothership execurtix 6* and tarkin g9, no problem to reach top200, have payout in 45 minutes, rank 154 actual, with 2 attempts if necessary, hold by one refresh.

    i use my „old“ start squad, but want to try other.
  • Waqui
    8802 posts Member
    Sounds good :—)
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    is good!

    only new for me that a 9* talkin and 6* executrix works better than a 7* home ome with gear 12 ackbar.

    shouldn‘t be...
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    Honestly I finish top 5 every day with home one, just find a lineup that works for you. My starting 5 is biggs, vader, tie fighter, boba, and jedi consular. Backup is wedge, fives, and ahsoka in that order
  • TVF
    36804 posts Member
    edited December 2017
    It's important to remember every shard is different (and age of shard matters quite a bit). You won't see JC in many starting lineups in older shards.

    And I say this as someone who still runs him in reserve as an emergency protection/damage option.
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    You can only move up so much without using crystals .

    Example- you win 5 battles each day. Even if nobody brings you down, you can only go up about 25 spots. If you want to move up faster ( if your ship team is ready or you are winning 4/5 battles) spend crystals.
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    hi ayybcall,

    would be christmas, if i could reach top 50...

    but with my home one in this arena group it is not possible or would cost me more crystals...
  • Mzee
    1777 posts Member
    My 5* Chimaera works a lot better than my gear 12 Mace with 7* endurance did.

    I run the typical set up of Tie Advanced, Imperial Tie, First Order Tie, Biggs, Fives and reinforcements Scimitar, Slave 1, and then the final ship is just a random and use Cassian's U-wing.

    Tie advanced is very important for guaranteed target locks and that pesky imperial tie can't dodge it. All the Empire ships also give extra bonuses with an empire capital.

    I'm working on reaper to replace fives, and would also like to work on gauntlet but too busy gearing other characters than to work on the pilots.

    I can get to 1 everyday only needing 1 or no refreshes, though I share the payout with 2 others. Usually drop to around 15 to 20 every day. I feel like having only a 5* capital makes me more of a target, but i rarely lose on offense. Can't wait to 7* Chimaera.
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    I would use 5* Chimera over a 7* Home One with G12 Ackbar. It has much more synergy with my starting line up of Triple TIE, Biggs, Bistan. Scimitar also works better as the first reinforcement rather than the starting line up in my experience.
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