Wiggs/chaze/zR2 - who to boot for CLS?

About to get CLS, have a bunch of gear, mats, and 1 zeta waiting, so he’ll be up to speed quickly. Currently running a wiggs/chaze/zR2 arena team, and I can’t figure out who I’m gonna bump for him. Wedge is my lead, I’m planning on zetaing cls’s second unique first (not his leadership). I’m thinking I either pull chirrut or Biggs? Can’t get rid of r2 (number crunch zeta), so I have to break up one of the teams... I’ll have raid han in the next couple months so I think that’s when I get rid of wiggs, but didn’t know what to do in the interim. Thoughts?


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    If you lack Rex/DN/Thrawn. boot Wedge as his AOE will get your tank killed vs the CLS leads others are gonna have too as you won’t be the only one getting him. Biggs evades, has higher health, and calls assists
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    Boot wiggs all together. CLS (L), Chaze, R2, Ezra. When you get Zolo, replace ezra with him.
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    No Rex, thrawn, or Ezra... I do have nihilus 7 star around G9 or G10. I could go cls lead, chaze, zR2, DN.
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    If I go to cls lead, what’s more important to zeta first, his leadership or it binds all things?
  • Bz183
    170 posts Member
    edited December 2017
    It binds all things. I was in the same situation when I got cls. I ran CLS L, wedge, chaze, r2. Got first with it all the time. If you have thrawn he would be better than wedge though.
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    Bind all things first for sure.

    Keep chaze for now, but eventually Zolo and GK should replace them, thrawn too should be in there. If you have a high Leia, she’s a better alternative then either wiggs, but you gotta have the right mods/set up with R2, and even then she’s not that great in arena, but better than either wigg
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