9 characters, pick 5 !

13 posts Member
edited December 2017
Hello everyone,

I am currently moving from first arena team to a rebel arena team at level 66, and i would like your advice on the "transition team". So i have currently 9 characters i can make in, what 5 characters would you choose amongst those for a viable arena team ? :

- Geonosian Soldier
- Qui Gon Jinn
- Luminara Unduli
- Admiral Ackbar
- Lando Calrissian
- Jedi Consular
- Royal Guard
- Boba Fett
- Biggs Darklinghter


Thank you, merry christmas and happy new year ! :)
Post edited by Polar on


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    Boba(l), lando, gs, rg, luminara.

    Your dps is going to come from lando continuously doubling down so max that out. And bobas lead will make it hit harder cause if 50% crit damage, shouldn’t be too bad hope this helps
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    At that level? Ackbar lead, Lando, Boba, Biggs, and with either RG or Qui-Gon. I am assuming you aren’t facing meta teams. Ackbar gives extra speed and can allow Lando to do 2 AOEs at once, severely crippling the opposing team. Boba does ability block, hits hard, and dispels. Biggs and qui-gon do multi attacks, and Qui-Gon also dispels. Healers are not very useful in Arena. You can control and win on offense, and your best chance on defense is to be faster and hit harder than the person attacking you.
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    The better your mods (speed/offense/crit damage with this group). The better your results will be.
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    Lando (L), Boba, Biggs, Ackbar, QGJ

    Mod Ackbar to be 1 speed faster than lando, he'll put up his special and then lando will double down.
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    Thank you about those ideas. Is Biggs auto-included even without wedge ?
    I ask that also because with Ackbar lead and Lando only other rebel, Lando often autoshoot and hits hard.
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