Missing Leadership Ability

All my characters sharing leadership abilities disappear during combat. This abilities are their in the Characters Inventory and I can upgrade them. In combat this sharing leadership abilities are not their. An example is Stormtrooper Han. In combat the Buff ability works but the Plan B ability is not even shown. All my characters are like this. It really hurts my Phoenix squad as Hera "Rise Together "ability disappears during combat.
I have tried reloading the game but that didn't work.
Almost forgot, when I borrow a hero their sharing leadership abilities work.
Got any ideas on how to fix this problem?


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    Only the character in the Leader spot (1st Spot on the team) will activate his Leadership ability.

    Borrowed Allies will also activate their Ally Leadership ability.
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    Sure. only one leader's ability is active in any battle. except when you use ally.
    The character on the top left slot, the first slot that fills when you choose your team, is the 'leader'. the leader abilities of the other 4 are not used. Instead, the leader abilitily of the 'leader' remains even after he/she/it dies. the unique abilities on the other hand, don't persist after death.
    Now when you use an ally, the leader of both your 'leader' of the team and your ally are active. those two are shared.
  • Options
    Thanks. That did it.
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