Territory wars

So how exactly does this territory wars thing work? I sign up for it and when we can finally start doing anything in it I don't know what the heck is going on. I try to enter a battle and I can't do anything or when I try to set up anything defense I don't know what's happening and by the end of the darn thing I don't get any rewards because I didn't participate.


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    A TW has three phases:

    Phase one: the preview phase, in this phase all you do is register. Click into it and just hit sign up. That’s it.

    Phase two: set up phase, in this phase you click into one of the many territories and set up a team for defense. This team will then be placed and you won’t be able to use any of those characters on offense. Good defense teams are nightsisters and GK/zarris.

    Phase three: attack phase, in this phase you simply battle the opponents defensive teams with whatever toons you have left from the set up phase. You try to conquer the territories by defeating all the posted teams.

    The team with the most banners at the end of the attack phase wins!
  • Options
    Oh. That makes sense.
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