Missing Ships and why the most logical pilots aren't?

Can we talk a bit about the ship part of the game, particularly the bizarre mixmatch of what ships have and have not been released?

Where are:

1) Ywings, Awings, Bwings... anything other than Xwings??
2) Tie Bombers, Tie Interceptors, Tie Defenders? How did we get First Order Tie Fighter AND Special Forces First Order Tie Fighter before a Tie Interceptor or Tie Bomber?
3) Han Solo in a Millennium Falcon, we have 4 different Han Solos... surely one of them should be a pilot
4) Luke / Anakin Skywalker. Neither Luke nor Anakin have a starship. I thought for sure Commander Luke would have an Xwing but nope!

I could understand not wanting to put out too many of the iconic ships right at the start a year ago, but it seems weird that we're over a year into the 'ship' part of the game and the above are completely absent.

For that matter where's a Separatist Capital Ship? Why no Resistance / First Order Capital Ships?


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