MODs for Nihilus

I’ve read and watched several things about mods for Darth Nihilus. What does everyone here use for him. Would like to put him in a gk/zarriss team to help out. Any suggestions? I was leaning towards a speed set so he can get as many turns as quickly as possible.


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    Speed set yes - and protection primaries if possible. He just needs to survive and get through his turns fast as possible to annihilate and remove CDs.
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    Speed set yes - and protection primaries if possible. He just needs to survive and get through his turns fast as possible to annihilate and remove CDs.

    What do you recommend for his other set? I’ve seen potency as the other common one.
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    I think the potency is a misconception....his cooldown increase is tied to debuffs. Perfect world I would want a health set for more survivability, but really whatever fast mods you have. I haven’t looked at his defense stats yet, but perhaps a defense set would also increase his survivability.
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    Just get speed and use either protection or health primary stats. I prefer protection.. but for the 2 set, it really don’t matter since your using zarris. Just use whatever has more speed.
    In my old zarris team the speed order was r2-Thrawn-DN-zarris-gk.

    He doesn’t need any potency.
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    My best speed secondaries are in a mix of three pairs of mods—potency, health, and critical chance. Speed, health, and 2x protection primaries; speed secondaries.
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    Does potency affect his change to place the DOTs (or health downs)? Then wouldn't a little potency be helpful to get more debuffs out like that?
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