should i stockpile carbantis

So yeah somehow i managed to stockpile 200 carbantis (mk3 carbanti) and i still see them in shard store

Thing is i hear on the forums,carbantis are so rare etc etc etc

Should I stockpile on them,always?


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    I would say yes. Many of the top characters in the game need this gear piece so I would be very selective on who you choose to equip them to.
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    i only managed to stockpile this much because i wait for CLS so i can fast track him up.
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    Yes, always. I used to give some to those that were asking for it (I had more than 400 I think) and in the past few months, I think I have asked for it almost everyday. You use them so quickly (50 by 50)...
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    So I'm going to go ahead and assume that you're still relatively new to the game, and not yet reached level 85 and/or have yet to start really trying to max out the gear levels on your unlocked toons.

    So yes, yes, you want to stockpile them. You REALLY want to stockpile the bejeezuz out of them.

    Because here's the thing - it takes FIFTY of those to craft ONE finished piece.So essentially you only have FOUR potentially finished pieces now. But wait, it gets better - more often than not, those FIFTY Carbanti salvage are only a PART of a finished piece of high level gear. Better yet? There are MANY characters in this game that will need ALL of the Carbanti salavage you currently have JUST FOR THEMSELVES. And then you'll still need more just to finish gearing that ONE CHARACTER, to say nothing of the rest of your roster.

    So start hoarding, and more importantly, be VERY PICKY about which toons you decided to commit them to.
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    Yes, especially if you don’t have CLS or GK geared up yet. I assume JTR will need a metric ton too.
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    i've hit 85 since a long time ago.

    So basically farm those at any ocassion,got it.
  • TVF
    36804 posts Member
    Range1974 wrote: »
    Yes, especially if you don’t have CLS or GK geared up yet. I assume JTR will need a metric ton too.

    Nah, only 250. Lol.

    But she also needs 250 syringes.
    I need a new message here.
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    My GK wants 200 of them to go from gear 8 to gear 9. And lots of other toons are in the same situation. So yes, be very careful how you spend them.
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    Six months ago I had close to a thousand and rolled my eyes whenever people complained about not having enough. Hoooooboy, you just drink them up at g9 and g10. I’ve got four characters right now who need just the 50 Carbanti piece, and dozens who need stun guns, which also need Carbantis to make them.

    So yeah, buy as many as you can, because you can never have too many.
    Ceterum censeo Patientia esse meliat.
  • TVF
    36804 posts Member
    I don't have GK so I've never looked...


    I need a new message here.
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    The only reason you wouldn't stockpile is if you have CLS, GK, and basically every other toon you want to have g12 already geared.
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    I remember the days I had almost 1000 carbantis and wondered why others in the guild were requesting them and gave them away like free candy. That was pre gk days and now I wish I had 1000 more carbantis.
  • Jetlife
    1367 posts Member
    edited December 2017
    Yes any carbs you can get, grab them.
    They are by far the most used gear in the game, outnumbering furnaces / droid callers / syringes / mk3 holo projectors / stun cuffs / and even stun guns.
    And remember, to craft a stun gun, you need the 50 gun salvage and a full carb.
  • Fanatic
    415 posts Member
    edited December 2017
    When I last checked (about a week ago) I had 57 characters in need of at least one carbanti at their current gear level (most actually needed 2, and a few needed 3). Most of those 57 will need another 2 carbanti's at their next gear level, and another 2 at the next.

    Of the energy I spend on gear farming, 90% of that energy now goes to farming carbanti. (though I am currently farming a hard node ds and ls for shards, so 200 energy/day goes to that - leaving about ~280/day on gear at 2 refreshes per day).

    Out of curiosity I also checked my surplus of gear from the TAC gear challenge. For most of those pieces I have in excess of 3-4k. Even if I could exchange those at a 5-1 ratio into carbanti's, that would only let me give each of those 57 characters 1 carbanti (plus 3 extras).

    The short of it, even if you spend a couple thousand $, you will not have enough carbanti.
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    CLS needs 250....Sun Fac needs 500 (!?!)

    That’s just 2 characters. :smile:
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    For sure. GK needs like 500 on his own.
  • Winstar
    2429 posts Member
    edited December 2017
    newbornFL wrote: »
    So yeah somehow i managed to stockpile 200 carbantis (mk3 carbanti) and i still see them in shard store

    Thing is i hear on the forums,carbantis are so rare etc etc etc

    Should I stockpile on them,always?

    Yep. Every character in the game and especially the big baddies in the game requires like 250-400+. Thrawn, GK, Training Wheels Rey, BB8, etc.

    Pick a character you want to max to god mode G12 and go all in on the chosen one. Don't make the mistake of spreading out 200 carbantis over 4 characters stuck on G7.

    Good luck.
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    I get sad when I look at half geared toons I don't use and see many a wasted carbanti.
  • Mzee
    1777 posts Member
    edited December 2017
    I need about 50 full pieces right now. It becomes a major gear crunch beginning around tier 8 for many characters, and they are needed through to gear 10 or 11. Kenobi needs 500, and others need a few hundred.
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    If I wasn’t lazy I’d show you a screenshot of a character who needs that just for one gear level. Yuckz
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    I stockpiled them for a long time on accident. At one point I probably had between 500 and 600 saved up and it really paged off when I started gearing general Kenobi. I was able to gear him up in no time. So I would say yes save them. They'll pay off when it comes time to gear any of the top tier characters
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