Semi-New Player

I am a semi-new very active player who would like to join a guild with some people who can offer advice on how to better progress in the game and help me understand some of the finer nuances within the game. A lot of stuff I’m starting to pick up on but I would like to be able to ask specific questions and get answers quickly.
GP: 280k
Lvl: 77
Ally Code: 581-138-486
I just downloaded discord as well.


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    Hey. We would love to have you join our guild. We also have a discord so its great that you have one :D i will send you an ally invite and guild invite. Be sure to check your game :D
  • Options
    I've got you man.
    Here you go

    Amazing Opportunity in a successful alliance!

    Cөmpany Alliance is recruiting for our third and final Guild
    - GhөstCөmpany -
    The only requirement is to join our discord server and be one with the family.

    ShadөwCөmpany is fully heroic 50/50
    CantinaCөmpany is almost Haat ready and also 50/50
    GhөstCөmpany is being lead by the creator of our awesome alliance and is welcoming all levels to join in on the fun.

    If you're looking for a fresh experience and golden opportunity to raid non stop and grow quickly, this is the place for you.. all you need to do is click this link
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