New Player Needs Help

Hey! I'm newer to the game and need advice. My arena team is Lando, ST Han and Boba 5*, Kylo 4* and Biggs 3*. Should I continue farming all of these, Wedge instead of Kylo or get all to like 5* and farm Phoenix Squadrant for Thrawn since many people say he is coming in February and Phoenix is good for arena at my level.? If you have any other advice for what to farm, let me know!
Thx in advance!


  • Options
    Get line app
    Connect with a big alliance of guilds.
    The chat group there will have tons of people with good arena advice.
    My line id is
    Get your rebels maxed out for Palpatine
    Phoenix for thrawn
    Empire for r2
    Cls just came back so you have time for him.
    Get in a guild doing 7* rancor raid.
    Raid han is one of the best toons in the game.
    Onc3 he is unlocked max out his gear
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