Bistan Ship Drops in Fleet Shipments?

421 posts Member
edited January 2018
Hey Everyone.

I've just been thinking about thrawn's ship returning hopefully in the not too distant future. I'm just wondering how everyone has found bistan's ships drops in fleet? I don't miss many refreshes (like maybe 1-2 a week max) and I STILL only have his ship at 5*! In comparison I've had ghost and phantom at 7 for over a month. is this just horrifically bad rng or is he just that rare? has anyone done any research on drops?



  • AA86
    102 posts Member
    Def rarer than the Phoenix ... same thing here.

    Apparently if you have all the other rebels and Phoenix excluding bistan you should be fine as challeng is relatively easy
  • Liath
    5140 posts Member
    He's just rarer.
  • TVF
    36603 posts Member
    He's bad but SRP is worse. I never see his ship!
    I need a new message here.
  • Rapid
    421 posts Member
    why has this been moved to feedback? in what way is this feedback asking people a question FFS?

    i haven't posted here in months because i was sick of threads being moved to stupid locations.

    this is my last post, i quit.
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