Galactic War- Killing My Desire to Play

7 posts Member
edited February 2016
Hey all!

My name's Matt and through hard work I recently hit a personal milestone- a well geared level 60 team. Woohoo!! Pretty exciting.

About a week ago, I used this team to bash my way much farther through the ranks then I'd ever been- all the way down to 160- a fantastic rank for me!

Up until then I'd been lurking around rank 200 in PVP. 160 was a pretty great feeling.

HOWEVER- overnight Galactic War became a nightmare.

What was once one of my favorite parts of the game- as fun and rewarding as it was challenging..... has become laughably impossible.

Today, my level 60 team once again faced a fully geared, 6 starred, level 68 squad BARELY HALFWAY THROUGH Galactic War.

Day after day my disappointment grows, and today I realized I wasn't really excited to play at all.

Has EA or the moderators of this once-wonderful game made ANY headway on this soul-crushing bug?

Please help- I'm in rather desperate need of some good news here.


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    I agree with Mattimus in his statement. It's like the Galactic War event has got quite a overhaul, changing it from fun to do, to impossible to complete.
    I've been reading through your update notes and announcements to see if this has been done intentionally, but it does not seem to be the case...
    Hope this will be fixed soon,
    Sincerly Jacques
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    I agree. 2 weeks ago, I was completing GW 90% of the time. Now, I can barely get 1/2 way through with 3 maxed lvl70 toons and 2 6-star with nearly maxed gear. Please fix this. I understand making it more difficult, but it's now completely impossible.
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    Have either of you seen @EA_Jesse or anyone else comment on this problem?
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    It's has become ridiculous. I really don't upstand why this problem cannot be resolved.
    Use the force Luke.... and get rid of that stupid musket.
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    I've come to these forums for this exact reason.. I used to enjoy GW. Completing it most times.. But now? Forget it.. Around half way I just get obliterated. It's a joke. What is going on?

    And you're right.. What was once the best part of heroes for me has been ruined and I find myself not looking forward to playing like I used to.

    Any chance of this getting sorted?
  • Jozepher
    3 posts Member
    edited February 2016
  • zoness32
    2 posts Member
    edited February 2016
    Just noticed this myself. Glad to see I'm not the only one ticked off at finally almost being able to complete it only to restart and suddenly start getting killed almost immediately.
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    Hey guys, I kinda found a way around this. Which I don't Think should be considered as a cheat since it's a bug.
    Anyways I noticed that if you retreat, then try again, the ai does the same thing, and if you miss your first hit on ex, sidious,
    Retreating then doing the same exact attack on sidious will miss again.
    And if say, dooku stuns 2 of your characters Frist hit, retreating then trying again would result in the same thing every time.
    You switch your team...
    So say lumi was the third character in team with sidious leader, switching them will make dooku hit another charter instead.
    And if you're bored enough and persistent, you can keep changing to be able to start with an advantage of knowing who to attack without getting a dodge or deflect etc...
    Of course this only works with galactic war so please don't fix this till you fix those over powered teams early in galactic war

    Sorry for the wall of text
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    Same here. Was doing alright almost to the stage of completing it then al of a sudden I am getting 6&7 star gear level 7&8 enemy teams a couple of levels higher than me on the second or third battle. Makes it impossible to compete barely getting 100 tokens a day now. Used to reliably get 400-600
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    +1 Full ACK.
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    Hitting this as well, usually on the second route I hit someone who's much higher level than me and no way I can beat a team of 7+ star characters with 5 or so levels on each of my characters.

    Very annoying, has made Galatic War worthless as I can't earn more than 200 tokens a day.
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    I LOVE the new Galactic War! It's so much more fun than before. For example, this morning, I was on tier 5 with five maxed or near maxed level 70 toons. A level 70 jawa critted on my Jedi Night Guardian and took out half of her health. That. Was. AWESOME! I've yet to make it past tier 7 since the update, when before, 9 times out of 10, I'd clear GW using about 10 toons overall. This is great! NEVER change it. I'm saving so much money in in-game purchases ever since this became utterly ridiculous.

    Not to mention, before the patch, I was able to gather a decent amount of credits in the profit mining events getting 84k+ credits for 50 energy. Now, you use 24 energy for 8k credits. So worth it. Having 1.2 million worth of training droids and 12 credits makes leveling toons just that much more exciting. The suspense is KILLING me!

    So, keep up the great work, EA! I'm going to go play Farmville for a few weeks until you make the game boring again.
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    I LOVE the new Galactic War! It's so much more fun than before. For example, this morning, I was on tier 5 with five maxed or near maxed level 70 toons. A level 70 jawa critted on my Jedi Night Guardian and took out half of her health. That. Was. AWESOME! I've yet to make it past tier 7 since the update, when before, 9 times out of 10, I'd clear GW using about 10 toons overall. This is great! NEVER change it. I'm saving so much money in in-game purchases ever since this became utterly ridiculous.

    Not to mention, before the patch, I was able to gather a decent amount of credits in the profit mining events getting 84k+ credits for 50 energy. Now, you use 24 energy for 8k credits. So worth it. Having 1.2 million worth of training droids and 12 credits makes leveling toons just that much more exciting. The suspense is KILLING me!

    So, keep up the great work, EA! I'm going to go play Farmville for a few weeks until you make the game boring again.

    Too much sarcasm to know what you actually want!

    We're not complaining about the difficulty increase, just that some of the matches are impossible for you to continue. GoH is all number based, a L59 team has no chance against a team of 7+ star L70s, no matter what strategy you use.
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    I am lvl 59. My team consists of Sid 5*, Luminara 5*, Jedi Consular 5*, Chewie 5*, and Savage Opress 5*. All level 59, all geared up as much as they can be for their level. Not an amazing team but it SHOULD be a solid team. Today in GW I was paired up against a level 70 player with all 7* players and all maxed out half way into the GW...**** REALLY??? How am I supposed to even have a chance? And this isn't the first time. Almost every day I run into this crap. PvP is no better. I'm constantly fighting against teams that on paper I out ranked them in every way. Higher levels, higher gear, higher stars, and way higher squad power but because they have guys that have bonus attacks and call allies perk, before I even get to attack 1-3 of my guys are already dead so I don't stand a chance. I have to sit back and watch as Dooku, Phasma, Qui-Gon Jinn, etc pummel my team before my first attack. I realise my team is not the best but I should not be getting destroyed before I have a chance to do anything. I've seen Dooku attack the same guy 4 times in a row. EA you really need to look at the fairness of PvP and GW for all the money you want people to spend on this game, it's just not fun anymore.
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    It's supposed to be hard. You should not be able to run through GW with just 5 toons. Use retreat redo your teams, sacrifice small toons to pull out specials from other team. Since I've used this strategy I've made it through completing GW 10 in a row now.
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    I see what your saying. But even doing that I find it too hard. Needed to be made more difficult but needs to be adjusted down just a little.
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    It's supposed to be hard. You should not be able to run through GW with just 5 toons. Use retreat redo your teams, sacrifice small toons to pull out specials from other team. Since I've used this strategy I've made it through completing GW 10 in a row now.

    There is no strategy for a maxed level 59 team to beat a maxed level 70 team...I don't care how many times you retreat or how many toons you throw at them. The game should be challenging not impossible.
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    I honestly had never beaten GW until lvl 63. I think it all just depends on who is on your server. Focus on starring up healers like JC and Lumi. Until I started doing that I could not beat it at all. (Not until 6 star Lumi.)
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    Yeah, I absolutely had to login to add my voice to this and I'm really glad that I'm not the only one who saw this.

    I'm currently 5 / 12 (not even half way) in the middle of GW. My player level is 58 and I'm facing a team that consists of:

    4*, Glvl 8+, Lvl 63 Barriss Offee
    5*, Glvl 8+, Lvl 68 Poe Dameron
    7*, Glvl 8+, Lvl 69 Luminara Unduli
    7*, Glvl 7, Lvl 69 IG-86 Sentinel Droid
    7*, Glvl 8+, Lvl 69 Darth Sidious

    I might have understood if this was right at the very end of the GW. For the big prize at the end, I could almost see that as being reasonable, despite the fact that it's terribly unbalanced. For reference... I decided to try the battle for fun and before I was able to activate my firstcharacter, they activated FOUR of theirs, killing off my 5*, Glvl 8, Lvl 58 Jedi Consular and as a bonus Poe got to put his taunt up. Not only am I seeing the same base 3/5 characters in almost *every* single match - which tells me that you guys don't know how to balance characters, which is an issue that also needs addressing - but you're taking what should be one of the more enjoyable parts of the game (which you only get to do ONCE every 24 hours... Again, you should look into that) and you've ruined it by making it far too difficult and demoralizing.

    I used to look forward to doing GW at night when it reset. Now it's definitely a 'get around to it, IF I get around to it' kinda thing. You're ruining the experience for the people who are playing this game.

    Was the motivation behind this move to try and make it so difficult as to coerce people into spending more money to try and pay-to-win in order to deal with the drastically ramped up difficulty?

    Why not make the game more balanced and enjoyable so that people tell their friends and you get MORE customers playing the game?
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    Jozepher wrote: »

    YEP!!! Exact same thing here. It is freaking absurd....Hell, even facing 65's and 66's is impossible. What is the point of throwing a 70 in there? The whole Algorithm is effed.
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    Eoka wrote: »
    I LOVE the new Galactic War! It's so much more fun than before. For example, this morning, I was on tier 5 with five maxed or near maxed level 70 toons. A level 70 jawa critted on my Jedi Night Guardian and took out half of her health. That. Was. AWESOME! I've yet to make it past tier 7 since the update, when before, 9 times out of 10, I'd clear GW using about 10 toons overall. This is great! NEVER change it. I'm saving so much money in in-game purchases ever since this became utterly ridiculous.

    Not to mention, before the patch, I was able to gather a decent amount of credits in the profit mining events getting 84k+ credits for 50 energy. Now, you use 24 energy for 8k credits. So worth it. Having 1.2 million worth of training droids and 12 credits makes leveling toons just that much more exciting. The suspense is KILLING me!

    So, keep up the great work, EA! I'm going to go play Farmville for a few weeks until you make the game boring again.

    Too much sarcasm to know what you actually want!

    We're not complaining about the difficulty increase, just that some of the matches are impossible for you to continue. GoH is all number based, a L59 team has no chance against a team of 7+ star L70s, no matter what strategy you use.

    HaHaHa!! Dude, that was some fantastic Satire. Bravo!!
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    Powda wrote: »
    Yeah, I absolutely had to login to add my voice to this and I'm really glad that I'm not the only one who saw this.

    I'm currently 5 / 12 (not even half way) in the middle of GW. My player level is 58 and I'm facing a team that consists of:

    4*, Glvl 8+, Lvl 63 Barriss Offee
    5*, Glvl 8+, Lvl 68 Poe Dameron
    7*, Glvl 8+, Lvl 69 Luminara Unduli
    7*, Glvl 7, Lvl 69 IG-86 Sentinel Droid
    7*, Glvl 8+, Lvl 69 Darth Sidious

    I might have understood if this was right at the very end of the GW. For the big prize at the end, I could almost see that as being reasonable, despite the fact that it's terribly unbalanced. For reference... I decided to try the battle for fun and before I was able to activate my firstcharacter, they activated FOUR of theirs, killing off my 5*, Glvl 8, Lvl 58 Jedi Consular and as a bonus Poe got to put his taunt up. Not only am I seeing the same base 3/5 characters in almost *every* single match - which tells me that you guys don't know how to balance characters, which is an issue that also needs addressing - but you're taking what should be one of the more enjoyable parts of the game (which you only get to do ONCE every 24 hours... Again, you should look into that) and you've ruined it by making it far too difficult and demoralizing.

    I used to look forward to doing GW at night when it reset. Now it's definitely a 'get around to it, IF I get around to it' kinda thing. You're ruining the experience for the people who are playing this game.

    Was the motivation behind this move to try and make it so difficult as to coerce people into spending more money to try and pay-to-win in order to deal with the drastically ramped up difficulty?

    Why not make the game more balanced and enjoyable so that people tell their friends and you get MORE customers playing the game?

    "Was the motivation behind this move to try and make it so difficult as to coerce people into spending more money to try and pay-to-win in order to deal with the drastically ramped up difficulty?"

    And the crazy thing about that matter what level you are on, they are still going to throw an impossible team to beat at you, no matter how much money you spend. Its self defeating. Why pay more, when there is literally no end in sight?

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    Mattimus wrote: »
    Hey all!

    My name's Matt and through hard work I recently hit a personal milestone- a well geared level 60 team. Woohoo!! Pretty exciting.

    About a week ago, I used this team to bash my way much farther through the ranks then I'd ever been- all the way down to 160- a fantastic rank for me!

    Up until then I'd been lurking around rank 200 in PVP. 160 was a pretty great feeling.

    HOWEVER- overnight Galactic War became a nightmare.

    What was once one of my favorite parts of the game- as fun and rewarding as it was challenging..... has become laughably impossible.

    Today, my level 60 team once again faced a fully geared, 6 starred, level 68 squad BARELY HALFWAY THROUGH Galactic War.

    Day after day my disappointment grows, and today I realized I wasn't really excited to play at all.

    Has EA or the moderators of this once-wonderful game made ANY headway on this soul-crushing bug?

    Please help- I'm in rather desperate need of some good news here.
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    Another one of those situations where you ask "do the people who designed this even use it?"

    I got a bunch of co-workers on the game and everyone was enjoying it (and spending $$$). All my co-workers quit over the last 10 days. All but one of my personal friends stopped playing, and he barely plays.

    I "championed" your game...and now everyone is **** at me. Thanks.
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    Me the same: bored in playing
    1. I am wondering that I have 7stars lvl 61Sidious with lvl6 Leader ability as leader, and my opponent does fast ALWAYS critical hits, me not.
    2. I have lvl62 Ewok Elder with lvl6 Tribal healer ability, with 30% chance to revive defeated allies. I think my success rate is less than 3/50, that means 1,5 %, definitely NOT 30%. I must be unlucky, of course.
    3. But fact, that after 29 days of continuously playing my daily login reward started again from day one... no achievement, no last login day bonus... muhaha. Now I am again at day24, I am wondering if I get the day30 reward :)
    4. In GW the same: around halfway I stuck with lvl.62, 3x7stars + 2x4stars characters, each with lvl VII-VIII-IX gear.
    5. I have no chance to participate in Yoda event because I have only 2 jedi characters. Yes, it must be my fault, I concentrated on other characters.
    6. I met players in Squad Arena on pos. 200 with team power 2500... is it a bug or cheating?
    7. ..and, it can be, that I have less success because I do not pay any cent for the game.

    However, this is a good game with SW feeling :)

    Thanks for reading this m8s.
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    Lack of content is number one killer of this game, and with the loss of the fun parts(there is nothing fun of redoing the samme battle 50 times so you dont loose to much) it got worse. I paid a little 10-40 euroes each month cause i could see that it accellerated the gain. But now it is just boring and demotivating so i mostly just log on, play dailys and don't pay anything. All just to wait out for fun content or that they fix galaxy wars.
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    Midway through the war, Palpatine was able to use his block ability of healing of Bariss but yet able to heal herself and her team. Isn't this a serious bug?
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    Goddai wrote: »
    Midway through the war, Palpatine was able to use his block ability of healing of Bariss but yet able to heal herself and her team. Isn't this a serious bug?

    I've also noticed that Bariss can heal through healing block, I thought maybe she had a perk that allowed her but I haven't looked into it
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    Barris equalizes health so if the healing immunity is on a low health character it looks like a heal. Her healing part of her heal doesn't actually go through the healing immunity. Barris works as designed and they were supposed to update her heal description.
  • Geb111
    10 posts Member
    To management. Whoever is responsible for the current state of GW please put it back the way it was and slap yourself
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