Mod Color Change (Max level Mod Color)

2 posts Member
edited January 2018
Hi. I would like the color for the maxed mods to change t to what they originally were.

Right now all mods that become lv 15 is Orange (No matter the original color), which annoys me since you can't see what the originally color was and therefore can't easily see which one has higher stats.
You can end up removing an originally orange mod for a white or green one.

Sorry for my gramma btw


  • Options
    A mod's colour corresponds to the number of secondary stats it has. At the end of the day the only thing that matters with mods is speed secondaries, so whether a mod started gold or green, if the speed secondary isn't above 10, it ain't getting used.
  • Options
    Try removing or selling mods that have stats you do not want, changing the mod colour is rare pointless and does not accomplish a single thing at the end of the day. The level 15 color is pointless, the stats that are displayed however, that's what you should,be concerned with, and on a side note, stop levelling grey mods. Those should just be sold unless they are a speed primary arrow.
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