Phoenix squadron for Thrawn

The reacurring question.... who to use for Thrawn event? Maybe more specifically, what mods to use on who? The other question, Sabine or Chopper? And I’m a couple of omegas from getting another Zeta. Do I Zeta Kanan for it? Or is that just a waste? What’s everyone’s success stories and what do you think will work? Much appreciated team.


  • Options
    Omega uniques Ezra g9/10 Hera g8/9 rest at g8, decent mods speed on the above two, chopper makes it easier than Sabine, I used Sabine, took ages and lots of rng with a g10 Ezra g8 rest, with decent mods. It’s kill order and rng in the final tier at 7* upto then it’s easy.
  • DatBoi
    3615 posts Member
    Personally, i prefer chopper over sabine, but its up to you. Zetas aren’t needed, but mods are. Everyone needs speed, tanks need protection, Ezra (and sabine if you use her) needs crit chance and damage. Prioritize gear for Ezra and Hera. If you get them up to g10, the rest can get by with g8. The event isn’t easy, but it’s doable.
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    I think the real choice is Ezra vs Sabine. Hera is mandatory, Kanan, Chopper and Zeb nearly as much for their uniques. That leaves the 2 big damage dealers with the worst uniques to choose from. Ezra has duel tags, and is a much easier farm; plus he can put in work pre-zeta, Sabine almost needs hers to function.

    Kanan has the best zeta out of the bunch, followed by Sabine, Hera, Zeb then Ezra.
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