Accidental pack purchase frustration

This morning while scrolling right to claim a free bronzium, I accidentally double tapped the buy button for a Chromium mega pack and...POOF, 2520 crystals gone. To add insult to injury, it was a terrible pull, but that's not my frustration.

There should be a confirm button, preferably mid screen, to avoid these types of accidental buys with the game's premium currency. I know others that this has happened to and one friend now scrolls at the top of the screen to avoid this mistake.

I'm not asking for a refund. It was my mistake. I also know that it's impossible to discern between accidental buys, buyer's remorse and frustration over a bad pull (as most random packs are). Rather I'd just like for a simple fix to avoid these mistakes. Otherwise, I now have a significant disincentive to buy crystals knowing they can disappear in an accidental instant. Granted, I'm a dolphin at best, but surely I'm not the only person who has made this mistake. Thanks for listening.


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