41* 112m gp 49/50 in need of one active player

We are a Euro based guild with players from all over. We offer rotating raid times with the typical registration times. Then free for all with no damage cap. We average 29+k tickets a day and ask that all members do there part to keep raiding as much as possible.
Our main focus like most guilds with higher gp has been turned to tw's and tb's.
We play tw's to win not to tie and have full participation from all members.
Our tb's run smooth with easy to follow in game instructions.
-This is a stand alone guild with no alliance and no feeder guilds that bounce you around.
We are looking for a daily player that has around 1.7m gp we are willing to take a little less as long as you share our focus at improving on tb related toons. Please contact me on discord with any questions


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