Snoke kit idea!

Here's my idea for a powerful kit with 6 abilitys similar to commander Luke, but with a kit way different. Feedback would be appreciated.


Basic - Snoke gains stealth for 1 turn and cleanses all debuffs on himself, and gains 7% turn meter for every debuff removed this way. Reduced all of snokes cooldowns by 1.

Special - Cooldown: 5 - Deal special damage to all enemy's and inflict Health immunity, if the enemy already has a negative status effect, also inflict buff immunity for 2 turns, Snoke then recovers 5% Health for every debuff inflicted this way. This attack cannot be countered or evaded.

Special - Diminished Force - Cooldown: 6 - Deal physical damage to target enemy and inflict stun, speed down, and remove 15% turn meter for every debuff on them, which cannot be resisted or dispelled, then inflict ability block for 1 turn on all other enemy's.

Leader - First order allies gain 50% Health steal, and 50% counter chance. Every time a first order ally starts their turn, they have a 30% chance of gaining advantage for 2 turns, if they already have advantage, then they have a 30% chance of gaining critical hit immunity for 2 turns.

Unique - Every time Snoke takes critical damage he inflicts defense down for 2 turns onto the attacker, if they already have defense down then inflict health down 20%, if they already have health down, inflict expose.

Unique - Snoke converts all of his protection into additional health, and is immune to Health immunity and health down.


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