My current squad - help needed!

5 posts Member
edited February 2016
Hello guys, been playing casually and just found thos forum, read alot and now im kind of broken, dunno what to focus on now, which squad comp should I use or who to use as my leader. (The idea was Chewie-Ventress-Luminara-GS-QGJ - but who to use as a leader...?)
Just got Luminara, Ventress yesterday (thought Sid is weak, lol.) GWs are going smooth, arena 50ish and climbing, mind giving me some advices?
I cannot beat Windu II tier of gear challenges with my "tanks" too...

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    edit: squad screen did not work
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    If i was you i would keep Luminara, GS, Qui-gon Jinn them 3 should defo stay maybe Jedi consular as 2 healers will be good in GW you can also keep chewbacca but i prefer Poe, i Guess talia is usefull in missions. Sid is still a good option for arena tokens.
  • Onetime7979
    1012 posts Member
    edited February 2016
    For the time being Chewbacca will be good lead but as you get further in the game Qui-gon Lead i would have him lead but i aint got him and was to late to stack. (Not sure much about Ventress)
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    Up - anyone else? :<
  • Options
    Cantina - Geo Soldier
    Cantina Ship - Qui-Gon
    Arena Ship - Asajj
    GW - Lumi
    Hard Battles - Lumi

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