
Mace is still not useable, though the concept is better. I would like to ask for the following:

1. Allow his expose to stay for 1 entire turn, not just for Mace's turn. Why, so what if he exposes for a 2k hit that he will deliver, but people will need to kill him early if FOTP can roll in behind him for 15k death.
2. Reconsider his damage preferably by gear going forward. He is the lightest hitting tank I own.

I am open to any other ideas, but think about these, they aren't horribly imbalancing.


  • BeWary
    368 posts Member
    edited March 2016
    Mace is my only high level tank, so I can't compare him to others, but I really like his expose ability as it is. I basically get any exposed character to 1/2 health with 1 hit. Not bad in my book!

    EDIT - My mace is 6 stars, lvl 66, gear lvl 8 (maxed)
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