BOUNTY HUNTING SEASON 113mil GP guild recruiting

Hey Ya’ll, I have to replace one or two members for inactivity. My guild is awesome, we only require 600/600 and max contribution in TB’s. Both heroics are on easy farm. We do 40 stars in lstb 38 in dstb and we get further each time they come around. We are a good group of people, all super helpful to one another. We ask you join our discord, be registered on and stay active. If you’re interested in joining let me know. We are working our way into the upper echelon if guilds.



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    Bumping again, seriously high level guild here guys, would love a response or two
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    Hello. I'm interested in joining. 600 daily is no prob. Always participate in TB. Generally hit zeros for heroics. Currently have and Discord. I don't chat a lot but I participate. Thanks!
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    Hey do you have a c3po in your guild. He’s on our ship shard and see if he wants to join the group chat on Discord. Cord#4231
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