Guild Event Cadence

***posted this earlier but it was moved to "Guild Recruitment"... not sure why***

The cadence of Guild Events is out of whack. We really enjoy TBs, but we only get (2) total per month, and only (1) each of LSTB and DSTB. One LSTB/month is not enough. Meanwhile we have (4) TWs, which don't give as good of rewards (need more GETs).

If you ran LSTB, DSTB, TW, LSTB, DSTB, TW you could get (4) TBs a month, (2) of each faction. Plus (2) TWs. So you get (2) of all (3) events rather than 1, 1, and 4. That would be much more balanced.

Alternatively, you could let guilds earn Guild Event Tickets like Raid Tickets... then Officers could choose which events to launch when.


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