Knights of Mandaløre - 112M+ Heroic Guild [38/39☆] - Looking for 1.8M+ Players

22 posts Member
edited March 2018

Knights of Mandaløre (112M+ GP) is currently looking for one recruit! We run Heroic Pit / HAAT when we get the tickets (raid start time are 7:30/8:30 PM Eastern Time respectively). Our guild is competitive but also a very relaxed and fun guild. We average 29k tickets a day and score 38/39☆ on Territory Battles.

6:30 pm Eastern is our Guild Reset.

What we are looking for in recruits
- Level 85
- 1.8M+ Galactic Power
- Commander Luke Skywalker Required
- Participation in Territory Battles and progressing toward required toons/teams
- Willing to contribute 500 energy minimum a day
- Knowledge of all gameplay modes and mechanics
- A discord account and page (We require our new members to join through our recruitment channel)

We hope to hear from you soon!

My ally code : 892-574-632

We also have a page :

Post edited by Grizzly on


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