Looking for Shard mates: Daey Vaako, Kitherun, Thibault, Harvester, Kailar, Loreck Avery, Ilicia...

421 posts Member
edited February 2018
Hey all, So my shard is:

Pandora - already made contact
Daey Vakko - Dagobah swamp people
Kitherun - Crimson Raiders
Thibault - Alliance de la force
Chinese letters I cannot write - same for the guild
Mol Eliza - The Rauk Team
Harvester - Hexagone Padawans - made contact
Kailar - LEGENDARY666
Loreck Avery - Squad of Blood
Ilicia - Fire Team
Boogy - Newbies
rio - mochitalo association
Saltypirate - TheJediDarknights
Pepe - KTOR
Sarith LeKit - wubbalubaDubdub
jeewu - 'Dark Empire'
Pkaz - Team Lazy
DosWookie - Hitchhiking The Galaxy
Himania Covell - The Doomed generation

If you recognise yourself or your guild please send me a private message on the forums or write here. Hope to hear from you soon!
Post edited by LaksonVell on


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