Looking for Daily Players to Join Well-Managed, Almost 100mil GP Guild

Dark Force Separatists has two open spots for daily players that generate 600 raid tickets. Our HAAT Guild GP is 95 million and growing fast. We earn 33-34 stars in TB. We have people from North America and Europe and are a friendly, helpful, and well-managed guild.

Requirements To Join:
  • Level 85
  • At Least 1.5 Million Galactic Power
  • Generate 600 Raid Tickets Daily
  • Must Participate in Territory Battle and Territory War
  • Account Created on SWGOH.GG
  • Will Join Us on Line Chat App

What Our Guild Will Do For You:
  • General Kenobi Shards Twice Weekly
  • Rebel Officer Leia Organa Shards (currently 30 per TB)
  • Imperial Droid Shards (currently 6 per TB but lots more very soon)
  • Friendly/Experienced Guild Mates with Lots of Good Advice.

Our Pit Raid Rules: Score 0 for First 24hrs Then One Scoring Attack. After the ‘24hrs Score 0’ Time Expires Wait 10min Before Completing P1 (this allows other players a chance to restart incase they get a bad run) and if Soloing Post After 25min.

Our HAAT Rules: Score 0 for First 24hrs Then Attack All You Want.

Raid start times alternate from month to month to allow everyone a chance to raid. This month raid start time is 22:05EST/19:05PT to allow US/Canada to raid in the evening. Next month raid start time is 21:05CET/12:05PT to allow Europe to have an evening raid time. This alternating schedule then repeats.

If you would like to start earning Kenobi shards, meet our requirements, and want to be in great guild with daily active players that love playing this game and support each other please send me a PM. Thank you!
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