We got cookies - and we prefer the dark side..

48 posts Member
edited March 2018
Cookie Galaxy – is looking for a few players.
5 spots are open.

We have 64M GP at the moment.
14/2-wins in the Territorial War.
Around 27Stars in TB (both sides)

  • You need to have at least a 7* toon (we would love to have more so you can participate in the TW etc).
  • 0damage for 12h in HAAT raid
  • 0dmg for 24h in HPit raid
  • Login at a minimum every second day.
  • Join our discord server – and join swgoh.gg
  • NO Mol Eliza - change game name!

We offer: a great worldwide guild with great leadership. We rotate the pit raid so each raid start 1h later each time (and goes around the clock) so the raid will suit everone. We do 2-3pit raids each week and the HAAT raid is launched as soon as we have the tickets.

We are a European based guild with players from all over the world.

If you want cookies - send me a pm. See you in the dark side
Post edited by Angelika on


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