Rebels Still Viable

Post empire rework, are old school rebels still worth investing in? I currently am lvl 77 running Wiggs, Chaze, and Thrawn (going to switch for R2). Is this team worth gearing up still?


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    Wedge and Biggs high up lose their viability. There are much better toons once you reach 80.
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    Who would replace wiggs at 80? Cls?
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    Most likely. Or someone else that you’d think would be better suited for the team. I have jyn lead right now.
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    So should i quit gearing up wiggs? I currently have them at gear 8 and 1 piece shy of gear 9
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    Oh and how does jyn lead stack up in high end arena?
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    I wouldn't neccessarily quit them altogether.

    Biggs has one of the best ships in the game and is worth leveling up for that alone.

    Wedge while not the best in arena at high level still makes a good lead for territory battles and wars and has a decent ship .

    Roughly where do you place in your arena every day?
  • TVF
    36804 posts Member
    FWIW (April 17 shard) my CLS Wiggs Han R2 team is still holding inside the top 200 at payout. And the new EP Vader teams that have shown up in my range are actually easier to beat than pretty much any other team I've faced.

    With that said Wiggs are definitely showing cracks in the armor and I'd like to replace them soon.
    I need a new message here.
  • HK666
    1263 posts Member
    They've both got ships and still bring the hurt.

    You don't have to stop gearing them, but they will start falling off.
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    Darth pedro, i place top 25 most days. Okay good points because i do use both their ships
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    Would Chaze work in high end arena though? Maybe Cls, r2, chaze, old ben? Or raid han maybe?
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    I currently run Cls r2 raid han thrawn and zavage and sit in the 80s comfortably on a may 2016 shard. I'm not crazy competitive in my arena so not the best authority but with good mods should be alright for a while I still see lots of people running chaze
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    Chaze is a great combo. Their synergy is pretty top notch. As for jyn lead, it holds up pretty well. Once you’ve omega’d her abilities she’s superb.
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    Jyn will NOT hold up. chaze does fairly well, but many teams can beat them easily
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    Chaze still works in high end arena.
    Maybe not as good as GK overall.
    But will help beat nightsisters and even new palp/vader reworks.

    I switch between:
    Cls, han, thrawn, chaze
    Cls, han, thrawn, gk, r2
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    wiggs' ships are one of the best rebel ships which are useful for ackbar challenge and ackbar capital ship is required for chimaera 6 and 7*
    As for chaze, even if you don't use them for arena, they are needed for the rogue one mission in LS TB.
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    jyn lead is non existent amongst a seasoned shard. wiggs is pretty much non existent too. You can try cls with wiggs han/leia and r2 and hang around in the top 200 but wiggs isn't top 50. chaze isn't top 50 either, except for a few enthusiasts who try really hard to break in but quickly get knocked out.
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    See a lot of Chaze in top 50 in my shard so it depends where you’re at. But yes Wiggs ends up being a liability higher level. Old Ben is great though
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    Yes Rebel is done for. Granted same mods, Palp Vader can do much better. So someone please don't argue 'What you mean Rebel is done for? They still do well if you have good mods.' I clearly said 'granted same mods'
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    Wiggs won't get you very high in Arena at max, but they have great ships and are good for TB and offense on TW. You won't regret investing in them.
    I've never come across a Jyn lead in Arena. But again, you need a R1 squad for TB. She's the leader, so it won't be a waste to get geared up.
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    CLS, Chaze, R2, and Zolo are a great arena option. Little behind the current meta but they still work great. Can also sub in Thrawn for Churrit against some squads.
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    Raid Han is still very strong. His lead-off stun will be good in many offensive team situations to stop a key target. I think he's one of the older rebels still worth investing in.
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    Rebel meta is over. CLS is still a huge threat but Baze and Chase i don't see them in high end arena. I am ranked 29 Empire strikes back. I am Empire I can beat any team JTR no problem. For so long rebels have been meta now its our time to shine. Its funny when CLS was meta no body was complaining but now the tables have turned they feel how we used to feel. Revenge is sweet.
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    I meant ranked 15
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    ShannonP35 wrote: »
    Rebel meta is over. CLS is still a huge threat but Baze and Chase i don't see them in high end arena. I am ranked 29 Empire strikes back. I am Empire I can beat any team JTR no problem. For so long rebels have been meta now its our time to shine. Its funny when CLS was meta no body was complaining but now the tables have turned they feel how we used to feel. Revenge is sweet.

    I haven't really seen anyone complaining about the meta lately.

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    The meta isn’t over, since rebels can still easily crush the empire, and vice versa... just saying I’d take cls any day over Palpatine. The emperor is squishy enough he isn’t too big of a problem to deal with.
  • TVF
    36804 posts Member
    I will agree with that, these new Empire teams are an automatic win for my Rebels.

    With that said, the Empire teams are able to jump up above me now so I start my run 50-75 places lower than I was pre-rework.
    I need a new message here.
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    You get no revenge. We all have palp and vader too!
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    ShannonP35 wrote: »
    Its funny when CLS was meta no body was complaining but now the tables have turned they feel how we used to feel.

    Apparently you took an extended leave from the forum, because there was a TON of complaining about CLS. For months and months.
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    wait....we're allowed to take a break from the forum? I thought everyone else was chained to it like I am......
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    The meta isn’t over, since rebels can still easily crush the empire, and vice versa... just saying I’d take cls any day over Palpatine. The emperor is squishy enough he isn’t too big of a problem to deal with.

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