Darth Traya

There is my kit for Darth Traya

Dark side, support, Sith, Old republic sith

Basic, multiple light saber strike :
- Deal physical domage to the target enemy 50% chance to hit with 50% less domage a random enemy. Darth traya gain 5 speed staking up to 40

Special ability , You shall die
3 turn cooldown
- deal specal domage to all the enemy, 100% chance to stun the target enemy. Old republic sith gain critical domage up for 2 turn

Special ability, lord of betrayal ( zeta)
5 turn cooldown (start on cooldown and can be use only once in a battle)
- Darth traya kill her target aly and gain 100% max offence, health, protection + 20% speed of the defeted aly! (ZETA, Darth Traya also get 100% turn meter, offence and speed up for 4 turn )

Leader (zeta), Lord of the sith
All sith aly gain 30 speed, 30% offence.(ZETA, Every time an aly use an ability that dont deal domage, a random sith aly is call to assist dealing 50% more domage )

Unique, Sith triumvirate (Zeta)
Whenever Darth traya, sion, nihilus use a special ability, the 2 other member of the triumvirate are call to assist dealing 50% less domage (ZETA, 100% more domage and the attack have 100% critical chance)


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