Heroic Rancor Team Advice

So I was planning to form a team with zader lead, Grand Moff Tarkin, TFP, Rex. I need some advice for my 5th slot. Thanks


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    What do you have available, those 4 can pretty much do the job. If you have someone like qgj or another empire character at 7 stars you can try that. Thrawn would be great for fracture.
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    Here are my toons,

    I'm currently working to get rex but I'm not sure who to farm for my 5th, I was also thinking about farming qgj but which do you think that would be the most effective for me to farm. Thanks
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    With zader any empire or sith will do . U dont need rex really and can also swich for some empire/sith . Sidious would work well for example
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    Teebo or Jyn?
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