Constantly Refreshing for Max Jumps

The mechanic for getting to your max jumps needs to be revamped. This is ridiculous, I just spent an entire lunch hour trying to jump the 7 spots I can from 25 to 18 in fleets. It never showed up... An entire lunch hour....

There is no reason one of the two things can't occur:
  1. The max possible jump always shows up as the right-most option and the other spots are RNG based OR
  2. It's a scrolling/sliding option of all possible battles from your position to the max jump. If this was the option, I can see it being daunting above 100, so maybe it kicks in at that point.

Either way, something needs to be done. It's even worse in fleet than it is in arena.

Please, this needs to be looked at as a major Quality of Life enhancement.


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    Moved to Feedback/Arena.
  • AndroiDad75
    59 posts Member
    edited February 2018
    And just in case anyone does read this, it was an hour spent hitting refresh. An hour! And it didn't come up once. I wish I could say that I blew by it by hitting refresh too fast, like I have done countless other times, but it never showed up.

    When you talk about trying to save time by allowing people to hit sim all on challenges, this is much more time consuming and frustrating.
  • Duck
    42 posts Member
    edited February 2018
    I completely agree with this. Why the difficult mechanic to choose opponents? I like both options that were given.
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    100% agreed. It's ridiculous.

    Also, you cannot convince me that something HASN'T changed. I'm not a conspiracy theorist, but it ain't all RNGesus at the wheel now.
    Meanwhile, down on the farm....
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    From a technical side, you can't do a slider.

    The button press is calling for fresh data from the server. This is a necessary step to avoid ridiculous amounts of bandwidth or handling on their end.
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    Kyno wrote: »
    From a technical side, you can't do a slider.

    The button press is calling for fresh data from the server. This is a necessary step to avoid ridiculous amounts of bandwidth or handling on their end.

    That's fine and understandable. Then the check should either automatically always include the highest range or systematically rotate through all possible options. The current system is mind-numbingly silly. Honestly wish they would have spent time on this rather than the "favorites" sorting.
    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
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    An easy fix would be adding a “Battle” button next to the names on the “Ranks” tab. The battle button would only show up if the user was within range. Or add an additional “Refresh” button, call it super refresh or something like that, that always displays the furthest possible jump.
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    Yeah, I get that it does a call, but it also knows what the highest number of spots one can move. Program in that the highest spot is always the far right.

    I spent another 40 minutes after posting and still never saw it.
  • Ztyle
    1970 posts Member
    Kyno wrote: »
    From a technical side, you can't do a slider.

    The button press is calling for fresh data from the server. This is a necessary step to avoid ridiculous amounts of bandwidth or handling on their end.
    Thats not entirely correct , as when you enter Arena it's a fresh update, so implementing a slider isn't a problem, just keep the refresh button, for if you have been waiting so long that it's not up to date any more, the game have already built in, if you need to refresh because the data you have is obsolete
    the only difference is actually on the client side, as memory can become a big issue, especially in the lower ranks where you have 50-a lot opponents you can attack.
    And before some smart person, comes along saying "But why not just make it so only the top gets the slider" I need to say that it can be really tricky to implement, if the original coding isn't prepped for such a change, but I haven't seen their coding, so I'm just guessing
    I'm Danish , Leader of the Space Slug Alliance , living the SlugLife , My collection
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    I like the battle button next to the rank tab names as well. That's a good idea as well.
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    I like the idea of a battle button on the Rank tab, but it only shows the top 50 ranks. What of those outside of that very small group?
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    The mechanic for getting to your max jumps needs to be revamped. This is ridiculous, I just spent an entire lunch hour trying to jump the 7 spots I can from 25 to 18 in fleets. It never showed up... An entire lunch hour....

    There is no reason one of the two things can't occur:
    1. The max possible jump always shows up as the right-most option and the other spots are RNG based OR
    2. It's a scrolling/sliding option of all possible battles from your position to the max jump. If this was the option, I can see it being daunting above 100, so maybe it kicks in at that point.

    Either way, something needs to be done. It's even worse in fleet than it is in arena.

    Please, this needs to be looked at as a major Quality of Life enhancement.

    Or you could have said screw it and attacked 19, and then had the rest of your hour to attack 13/14....
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    That's a fair point Blizzisme, although to be honest 19 was popping much either and after a certain point it was my plan stubborn personality kicking in. And although it's a fair point, it doesn't get around the fact that it shouldn't be this difficult to get to the highest possible person to fight.
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    I agree with this. This would be a true QOL change to this game. I'm sure they could figure out the technical issues if they really cared about quality of life changes.
  • Options
    Kyno wrote: »
    From a technical side, you can't do a slider.

    The button press is calling for fresh data from the server. This is a necessary step to avoid ridiculous amounts of bandwidth or handling on their end.
    I'm pretty sure they could populate the list and use a slider to navigate it. If the ranks change before the player selects a battle, they would get the same "player/opponents rank has recently changed" message they currently get and have to refresh the list again.
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    I agree MonkeyMan. This is a true Quality of Life improvement.
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