Players Looking For Guilds - March 2018 *** READ RULES IN FIRST POST BEFORE POSTING ***



  • DanTheDork17
    76 posts Member
    edited April 2018
    Hey everyone. My guild is very inactive and I am searching for a new guild to join. I am pretty low level but I feel I am going to level up fast. Please message me here since I don’t have discord but I can get discord if I have too. I really just want to find a active guild. I am level 42 and in the 700 in the arena. Thanks and can’t want to change the galaxy with you.
  • NeoFlash
    5 posts Member
    edited April 2018
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    game name is ashg1987

    Lf guild not long started the game can't seem to find a guild all I need is a active guild
  • scillaren
    1 posts Member
    edited April 2018
    Found a new guild, thanks all!
    Post edited by scillaren on
  • Lokithor
    7 posts Member
    edited April 2018
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  • BoomHarris
    1 posts Member
    edited April 2018
    Looking for a guild. Semi-casual player who'll hit his 600 99.99% of the time. F2P. Down for raids, TB, TW, etc.

    GP: 2.4mil

    Time Zone: CDT

    Ally Code: 548-293-674
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    Hi all, looking for a new guild to join that is motivated to get better every single day.

    Ally-Code: 126-247-982
    Link to
    Galactic Power: 550K (3-4 months playtime)
    Character/Ship GP: 287K/263K
    Player Level: 80 (hit this morning)
    Number of 7*: 8
    Number of 6*: 7
    Average Arena Rank: 100 (10 for ships)
    Type of Play: F2P
    Time-zone: Central

    Thank you for any consideration.
  • Jtizzle
    1 posts Member
    edited April 2018
    Ally-Code: 192-566-676
    Name : JTizzle
    Level: 79

    Long time gamer, played world of warcraft for 10 years, amongst many others. I would describe myself as an intense casual gamer, a bit shy of hardcore. I love games like this and do not see myself abandoning it any time soon. I began playing the game in mid-December 2017 and I'm currently in a guild that runs; The Pit, through six starts; Tank Takedown, six stars; and working on the Sith raid on three stars atm. We average 10 or 11 stars in Territory Battles but lack the players to participate in Territory Wars.

    As I begin to enter the end game I'm looking for a guild with more activity and the ability to participate in the Territory Wars. I am currently in a position to get a 7* Thrawn and 6* Grand Master Yoda from the upcoming events. I will be working on my Empire team after I finish 7 staring my phoenix squad to place myself in a position to obtain Commander Luke Skywalker the next time his event is available. Also I am a graduate student so I'm available to play at mostly any time despite any time zone issues but i live in the EST.

    Ally-Code: 192-566-676
    Galactic Power Total: 453,262
    Characters: 288,861
    Ship : 164,401
    Player Level: 79
    Number of 7*: 4
    Number of 6*: 3
    Number of 5*: 21

    Average Arena Rank: 400-700 range
    Average Daily Raid Ticket Donations: 600 typically occasionally a day of 400+

    Type of Play: Dolphin- I spend $20 here and there to keep my crystals topped off or if there's something I especially want. I use cash as a way to power through the slumps not a way to beat the game.

    My friend who started the same week as me is in the same guild and will also be looking to join, we are a package deal. His information is;

    Name: L Daddy
    Ally-Code: 897-287-736
    Galactic Power Total: 390,390
    Characters: 240,084
    Ship : 149,496
    Player Level: 77

    Number of 6*: 2
    Number of 5*: 25
    Average Arena Rank: 500-800
    Average Daily Raid Tickets: 500-600

    *Found a Guild*
    Post edited by Jtizzle on
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    I'm a VERY active player, and I'm currently focused on farming guild-based characters. I hit 600 daily with ease and place in the upper half of a 100m GP guilds' TB/TW's. I am ROLO ready and will be IPD ready very soon with troopers being main focus. (ZVeers) My TW defense is, in my opinion, very good. With my teams I've averaged around 10-20 defensive wins each TW.
    Guild GP isn't my concern. It's the activity and strategy of the guild I ask proof of.

    Galactic Power: 1.5m
    Character/Ship GP: 1m/5m
    Player Level: 85
    Number of 7*: 61
    Number of 6*: 9
    Average Arena Rank: 50
    Type of Play: F2P
    Time-zone: CST (U.S.)

    Please SEND ME A PM on the forums for further communication. I do my best to respond in a timely manner. Thank you!
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    Hit me up on Discord First: Frost#0067
    Link to
    Galactic Power: 219k
    Character/Ship GP: 132k / 87k
    Player Level: 70
    Number of 7*: 4
    Number of 6*: 0
    Number of 5*: 2
    Average Arena Rank: 1700-1300
    Type of Play: (F2P, P2P, Dolphin, Whale): F2P
    Time-zone: EST

    I'm looking for an active guild. I play daily get 400/600 minimum and have started to farm gear and get direction for some end game content. I need a group that raids but also completes raids quickly. My previous group has had the sith raid 3* up for the past 2 weeks (and still does) which gets us nothing so I would like to gear up and actually be useful. I and in top 80 for the fleet arena and currently am trying to get an imperial trooper team together to get R2D2 when he comes around again.
    Hit me up on discord and we can talk.
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    GP: 1.9m
    In Squad Arena I stick around the 240 mark as it makes my life easier and in Fleet Arena I stick between 100-150 for the same reason.
    I'm F2P but have spent money before and likely will again but won't do so on command.
    Based in UK.
    Looking for a guild that farms heroic raids and is making attempts at the Sith raid.
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