Viable Arena team

Hello people,
1.) I want to hear your opinions for a viable Arena team in current meta in general.

2.) I also want to know if you can give me some advices on my team.
I'm currently running:
6* QGJ (L)
7* Kylo
7* Lumi
7* Sid
7* Asajj (I'll probably take her out for GS once he's 6* or maxed)

I have access to:
6* RG
6* Leia
6* fotp
6* Phasma
5* Poe
6* Poggle
7* IG 86
4* Rey, almost 5*
5* Old Ben, maybe 6* soon
5* GS (currently working on him atm)

I'd also like to know if I should work on Dooku after having GS 7*. He's squishy but really fast and Jedis find him reallly stunning.

So, which toon would replace? Should I even consider a toon I haven't listed here?

I'm in an old server (playing since november I think) with a lot of tough guys running around :wink:
(Cythis currently #1)
I'm currently ~150


  • Quim
    665 posts Member
    edited February 2016
    I think that Qui-Gon Jinn is important in a fast team, with Geonosian Soldier, Dooku, Sidious and Rey, that act first, but you have Kylo, Lumi and Asajj, that are slow, so QGJ is not useful in combination with slow characters, is better Sidious as leader and Poggle for the offense up. I am #1 in the rank everyday with a team Sidious (L), Poe, Lumi, Kylo and Poggle, first of all I attack with Sidious, with a basic attack, to the character that I want kill first, as GS, Daka, QGJ, IG-86, IG-88, Ventress, Yoda or Sidious, it depends of the opponent team, and then the taunt of Poe, the offense up of Poggle, the force blast of Luminara to the Luminara opponent, or to one of the last named characters if he don't have Luminara, and then the outrage of Kylo, or the lash out if it's a better option.

    If you want be in the top, you need Poe.

    Poggle is essential, your characters will attack with double potency, Luminara and Kylo Ren can inflict damages of more than 10K, and if Kylo have less than 50% of health also 15K, 16K or 18K, so Kylo is essential, and you need Sidious as leader to gain +14% critical chance and +20% critical damage.

    Poe, Sidious (L), Kylo Ren, Poggle and Luminara are a very good team, easy to get the rank #1 with this team, I know it because it is my team and i'm #1.

    If you want use Qui-Gon Jinn, you can't remove Poe, Poggle and Kylo Ren, you only can remove Sidious or Luminara.

    If you remove Sidious, you will lose her leader ability that increases a lot the damage, and the AOE ability is very useful in the second round, also her healing Immunity ability to prevent that opponent's Luminara cure opponent's Poe, for example, or if you attack opponent's Geonosian Soldier first with Luminara, without block Luminara, then the artificial intelligence of Luminara will try to cure GS, if you inflict healing immunity to GS with Sidious in the first attack, you can attack GS with Luminara and kill he with Kylo Ren, but if the healing immunity don't works, you need attack Luminara first and block her abilities, then yes attack GS with Kylo Ren and then the AOE with Sidious, that will kill Luminara and GS at same time.

    As you see, Sidious and Luminara have a good role in the team, and also is important say that don't matter if the opponent kill first Sidious with Geonosian Soldier, because then it's easier for Poe to resist 2 rounds, and Luminara can cure he in the second round, and the battle is won.

    Qui-Gon Jinn don't have a better role than Sidious, because her leader ability is not very useful if you don't have more fast characters with 6 or 7 stars, then you can play with QGJ (L), Rey, Dooku, GS and Sidious, but you need Dooku (to stun Luminara or Qui-Gon Jinn opponent), and more stars in Rey and GS. With Sidious and GS you can kill the opponent's Sidious and with QGJ and Rey you can kill opponent's Poggle, for example, with Dooku you can stun Luminara or QGJ, so this team is very good, but you need Dooku and more stars.

    Meantime you can use Poe and Poggle, with Sidious as leader, with Luminara and Kylo Ren.

    The strategy is easy, first of all Sidious go first, don't use AOE ability, use a simply attack to inflict healing immunity to the first character that you want kill, or the second if the first is weak. Then Poe use her taunt ability, reducing 25% of the turn meters of the opponent, Poggle apply offense up, and then it's the turn of Luminara and Kylo Ren, then you need use it depending of who you want kill first, depending of the health and the power of the characters, and also who is exposed, for example if the opponent have QGJ (L), Sidious, Luminara, Kylo Ren and Poggle, the best is attack QGJ with Sidious, then attack and block Luminara with Luminara ability, kill Qui-Gon Jinn with Kylo Ren, and in the next round use the AOE ability of Sidious and the AOE ability of Kylo Ren, that will kill Luminara and reduce the Sidious health, with Poggle and Luminara you can kill Sidious, and only remain Poggle and Kylo Ren, then attack Kylo Ren.

    If the opponent have Geonosian Soldier, Poe, Sidious (L), Luminara and Kylo Ren, you need start to kill GS, with basic attack of Sidious, Luminara and Kylo Ren, if your Poe go first, if your Poe don't go first now you need kill GS with AOE abilities of Sidious and Kylo Ren, then kill Poe, and then kill Sidious and Luminara.

    I have IG-86, that is very useful to kill one character with her ability, but is more useful if the opponent have Dooku, to prevent the stun ability, then is better use a team as Sidious (L), Poggle, Poe, Kylo Ren and IG-86, without Luminara. If the opponent have Geonosian Soldier, Dooku, Sidious (L), Luminara and Kylo Ren, you need kill first GS with IG-86, but at the beginning attack Dooku with Sidious, because Sidious will be cured when GS die, then attack Dooku with Kylo Ren and Sidious will be fully cured, now opponent's Luminara will kill Poe, but he only have Luminara, Sidious and Kylo Ren, the battle is won, because he will kill Poe with Luminara and Kylo Ren, but in the next round it's easy kill Luminara with IG-86 and Luminara. If he don't have Kylo Ren and he have Poggle, it's the same, he only have Sidious, Luminara and Poggle after kill GS and Dooku, and we have IG-86, Poggle, Sidious and Kylo Ren with advantage in the turn meter.

    When I search players to win, the first is see if he don't have Poe, and then see if he don't have more than 2 fast characters, if he have GS, Rey and Dooku is not a good opponent to win easily, but if he only have GS and Dooku is easier if you replace Luminara by IG-86 and play with Sidious (L), Poe, Poggle, IG-86 and Kylo Ren. If the opponent have Qui-Gon Jinn, not as a leader, is easy to kill first, or if the opponent have Yoda with only 4 or 5 stars, or if he have 2 jedis (Lumi+JC or Lumi+Barriss Offee), or if the opponent have only 4 or 5 stars in her Poe, if you have 6 or 7 stars your Poe will go first in the majority of cases, or if he have IG-86 without Poggle, easy to kill first, or IG-86 with Poggle, but without Poe, or if he have IG-88, or also teams with Ventress are easy, or teams with Phasma as leader are the best to kill first, or teams with Chewbacca, Han, Jawa or Darth Vaders, also teams with Daka (without GS), killing Daka first, or with GS is not very hard.

    The worst teams to win for me are teams with a lot of fast characters, as Rey, QGJ as leader, GS, Sidious, Dooku and Yoda, with at least 3 of this characters, that can kill 2 of my characters before the first turn of my Poe. Also teams with Poe with 7 stars, droid teams with HK-47, Poggle, IG-86, IG-88 and Poe or GS. The rest of teams are easy to win.

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