Shouldn’t fix visas marr

25 posts Member
edited March 2018
I think she is perfectly fine, a nice counter to all these sith Aoe attacks. It makes you use a different strategy when facing her. O and she is nasty with a zeta cls lead.


  • TVF
    36804 posts Member
    Options can't fix something that isn't broken...?
    I need a new message here.
  • AΣΣ
    25 posts Member
    It’s not broken, but cg thinks it is broken.
  • TVF
    36804 posts Member
    How so?
    I need a new message here.
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    AΣΣ wrote: »
    It’s not broken, but cg thinks it is broken.

    All the fixes are to make her work as described.... yes it's a "fix" but that's the way it should be.
  • AΣΣ
    25 posts Member
    So change how it is described, they unintentionally create a toon which counters sith teams perfectly well, why unbalance it.
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    She was attacking out of turn more than once...

    She was assisting more than the described %...

    Not sure how that helps with sith teams over any other team.
  • AΣΣ
    25 posts Member
    It helps with all teams, but since they made the sith the new meta, it’s extremely affective against it. Run a rebel team in the practice event with zeta cls lead. And it’s not even that op either.
  • Mr_Sausage
    1869 posts Member
    Any toon who is broken and not working as described should be fixed.

    That being said, how on Earth was she released like this? It’s like there was no play testing. As soon as you use her you knew she wasn’t working as intended.
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    Mr_Sausage wrote: »
    Any toon who is broken and not working as described should be fixed.

    That being said, how on Earth was she released like this? It’s like there was no play testing. As soon as you use her you knew she wasn’t working as intended.

  • AΣΣ
    25 posts Member
    Still if I was cg, I wouldn’t fix her, adjust her description and watch the money roll in. Since it’s a p2p game.
  • RacerDejak
    3203 posts Member
    User her in gar saxon lead empire team.. she can assist like 8-9 hit :dizzy:
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