Damage text should last a little longer!

I have a huge problem seeing some of the damage numbers, it happens alot lately, I run most battles on x4 but even when I slow it down it goes very fast some times. Let alone how often it glitches and you can't see it completely.

Large critical hits can be easier to see but non crit physical damage with the red color is hard to see most of the times.

Now I know that some may say it's not a big deal but I honestly think it can be useful to see the damage outputs. I think something needs to be done, whether it's bigger font or making it last a few milliseconds longer.

I know it may sound silly and like I'm asking for too much work for something so small, but trust me it matters. And maybe it's just because my phone is a year and a half old but still i think I'm not the only one who is having this issue.


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