New account looking for a guild

I've started a second account to see how quickly i can get to the top of arena and build a decent roster now that I've learned how to do it efficiently on my main account. I don't have a ton to offer as my roster is very shallow and brand new, but I have a gear 7 Phoenix squad and will be moving to empire after getting Phoenix to gear 9. I contribute my 600 tickets every day without fail. If you're willing to let me join your guild i will be a valuable asset in a very short period of time. My only request is that the guild must be doing heroic rancor, at a minimum. Heroic aat would be a huge plus though. I must raid in order to progress as you all know. My main account is 10 months old and I'm at 1.5million gp. I've learned a lot and feel like I'll be able to reach that milestone in 7-8 months on this new account. Give me a shot and you won't be disappointed at my participation level or commitment to this game. Thanks.


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    Would your other account be coming over with this one?
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    Best of luck
  • nottenst
    725 posts Member
    edited March 2018
    Light Saber Hockey Sticks has 46 members at the present time (plus 1 pending). Our reset time is 830 PM Eastern Time. We have a growing guild with about 18 players at Level 85. We are part of the MLCN Alliance. Some of our members have put their information in Send me your ally code and I can invite you. My ally code is 887-538-493.

    We regularly do HPIT and NAAT and are hoping to build to HAAT. We are almost done with Sith Tier 3. We just won our first Territory War today. After the 24 hour "no damage" time on HPIT, we just now finished it off in 12 minutes.

    We are on Line and just started a Facebook Group page.

    Our lowest level member at the moment is 30. Getting the 600 tickets per day would be great and we can help this new account grow.

    15 posts Member
    Come give us a look bro!

    Born from the ashes of a rebellion, we are Galaxy Eclipse.
    We are looking for daily player to come join us.
    We are 600 ticket and discord mandatory. This ensures optimal raiding.

    HPit at 3:30pm pst
    HTank at 4pm pst
    24hrs zero damage on raids

    Lots of knowledge and resources here to help you build teams that will dominate. Come check us out!
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    We are currently not picky, 22 members 33GP, we haat with help from sister guild and HPIt.

    East coast based, Search for 'Revenants Empire '. Or msg me of u have questions
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    My code is 845-922-966
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    Hey we are also starting out a sister guild to our. If one for newer players, I’m a day one vet helping out players grow, join our guild and combine forces, we are MST and a great group of gamers! Check us out Shadowz Strykerz! Ally code 662-259-382. Join our discord :)
    We can carry heroic rancor raids for newer players and T6 tank and T4 traya
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