What new toons and ships you’ll like to see.

25 posts Member
edited March 2018
Bastila and her capital ship the endar spire
Admiral karate & leviathan
Ebon hawk
Nihilus flagship the Ravanger

And revan and malak


  • AΣΣ
    25 posts Member
    Sorry luke and his x-wing
  • B0untryHR7
    663 posts Member
    edited March 2018
    Anakin's ship, Kenobi's ship and Luke's ship

    Also General Grievous and Hux's capitals
  • Options
    Tallie and her A-Wing,
    Luke and his X-Wing,
    OT millenium Falcon with rebl Chewie,
    Anakin's Starfighter,
    Padme and her silver bullet,
    ATF's A-wing,
    Emporer Palp's shuttle,
    Dooku and his geonosian solar sail thing,
    Nute Gunray's capital ship,
    Grevious and his bomber,
  • Dk_rek
    3299 posts Member
    edited March 2018
    Alex Rogan and his Gunstar 2 seater with Grig.

    Droid fighters

    Defender/Interceptor/Bomber/Assault Shuttle


    Z95 head hunter (Mara sadly i see this never happening)

    Hondo flying anything could be a Kia with thrusters for all I care HONDOOOOOOOO

    Naboo Starfighter (freemakers, Ep 1) Palp drooling over it.

    Ewok glider : yes because it would be Gloriously funny watching an ewok flying in space (give him a helmet lolz Clone rage)

    Raid boses : Super Star Destroyer, Death Star, Starkiller, Droid command platform, (Assault on rebel fleet, start at corvette, move to Nebulon-B frigate, move to Calamari Cruiser, then final phase, cov/frig and Cruiser)

    There is a LOT of potential raid bosses for ships I hope we get there someday

    EDIT yes none of my ships listed should come with an existing character. I still think it's lazy to give people ships for char they already may have at G12... A lot of people ignored ships and still do. Once that day hits where we get a raid...people will have to play Ketchup

  • Options
    Mareek Stele - TIE Defender
    Vult Skerris - TIE Defender Elite

    Either TIE Defenders I’m hoping will be a taunter.

    Rebel Chewbacca(w/Han Solo) - Millennium Falcon
    Reworked General Greivous - Soulless One
  • YaeVizsla
    3448 posts Member
    I want Sabine's masterpiece of a TIE Fighter.

    Problem is, Sabine's already a pilot, so I'm not sure who would pilot it.
    Still not a he.
  • Options
    I also think maybe Darth Vader’s TIE Advance should get a rework and include a chance ability that gives a chance percentage of the TIE Fighter assisting the TIE Advance in a attack, mind you the TIE Fighter’s attack does not share the TIE Advance’s 100% accuracy and instead keeps its normal accuracy.
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