Forum Communication - Q&A @ 8:30PM PDT 3/17/18

122 posts Member
Hello everyone,

I’m writing this post because as the Senior Producer on Galaxy of Heroes, I want to acknowledge that in the past day communication around these forums and how we (Capital Games) have handled feedback and forum dialogue has not been constructive. I want to apologize for that communication and then do what we can to move the dialogue in a different direction.
While I can’t immediately address the concerns regarding our communication frequency as there are many people that need to be involved, I will commit to responding to these forums inside of the next two weeks with a plan to improve the granularity of communications – including commitments about the frequency of Road Ahead Blogs, State of the Galaxy, Bug Reports, and forum posts.

What I can do right now is address one of the biggest concerns that has been brought up recently and that is any questions that you may have about the game, from specific bugs to why we haven’t addressed a particular quality of life concern, or other topics that you’d like to discuss.
So tonight at 8:30PM PDT (just over an hour from the time of this posting) – myself, Nick Reinhart (Live Producer), Erik Larsen (Player Lifecycle Producer) are going to get on the forums and start answering questions. I will open up a new thread so people can begin posting questions that they have at that time. Note that with the format of our forums, we will need to handle questions in a way that the technology supports. We will be picking questions out of the sequential posts, and bringing them up to the top posts which will take on an FAQ look.

We may not be able to respond to them all, but we will try to answer as many questions as possible for two hours, from 8:30PM-10:30PM PDT. Please bring anything you would like asked and we will be as honest as we can be. If this style works, we will do this more often, and will be able to provide more advance notice. In the meantime, it is my sincere hope to repair some of the trust that has been lost.

Thanks so much in advance,
Carrie Gouskos
Senior Producer, Galaxy of Heroes
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