Gear Buying Guide



  • Well_I_Never
    223 posts Member
    edited March 2018
    Excellent explanation, thank you very much for taking the time & having the consideration to provide it.
    Absolutely perfectly clear to me now.
    Sorry I didn't get my head around the concept properly earlier!
  • Well_I_Never
    223 posts Member
    edited March 2018
    I disagree with all energy being taken into consideration because if you split it up, you will still end up with the same drop rates, theoretically over the long run. Plus, someone may do shards with their free energy and only use refreshes for gear or some other breakdown.
    I fully agree with your disagreement! Um.. lol? :wink:
    As you rightly say, the drop rate percentage is still the same so doing more doesn't change that, it just gives you greater chance of achieving it.
    As you also rightly say, free Energy usage is entirely variable & subjective.
    Refresh Energy for a specific piece of Gear is not. It is entirely objective & singular in its purpose.
  • Options
    Can someone explain why this post is in the feedback section? This is helpful info to some players, I am sure, and in no way is it feedback to the game that I can see so I am curious as to why it would be in this section and not Arena and Character Strategy?
  • Options
    Can someone explain why this post is in the feedback section? This is helpful info to some players, I am sure, and in no way is it feedback to the game that I can see so I am curious as to why it would be in this section and not Arena and Character Strategy?

    Wish I could explain why. It was originally posted general discussion and a Moderator moved it here. Maybe a Moderator can explain the reasoning...? I’m not sure how it is feedback either.
  • TVF
    36706 posts Member
    Maybe feedback is the only place with a Gear subforum? Just a guess though.
    I need a new message here.
  • Options
    Well, I posted it on our discord server ant the initial response is very positive. Good work by the OP and it also led me to the discord channel for ShatteredOrder which has some great stuff on it. This post is definitely a resource and in no way feedback.

    As a matter of fact, it seems like it is intentionally buried here to limit visibility because maybe certain people whom I will not name, mock, bash, denigrate or anything else negative, do not want players to see the more economical way of farming gear. We have been told very clearly that the forums are not about us sharing advice to help other players, but simply a place to promote the game, right?
  • TVF
    36706 posts Member
    Now you're grasping at straws and asking for jail time as well. Trust me.
    I need a new message here.
  • Options
    Well, I posted it on our discord server ant the initial response is very positive. Good work by the OP and it also led me to the discord channel for ShatteredOrder which has some great stuff on it. This post is definitely a resource and in no way feedback.

    As a matter of fact, it seems like it is intentionally buried here to limit visibility because maybe certain people whom I will not name, mock, bash, denigrate or anything else negative, do not want players to see the more economical way of farming gear. We have been told very clearly that the forums are not about us sharing advice to help other players, but simply a place to promote the game, right?

    Glad that it has led you to our Discord! We have a pretty awesome community and I believe our show gives pretty good advice too, if you’re into podcasts and stuff.
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