Invictus PNW 7M 21/50 Looking for Members

2 posts Member
edited April 2018
Invictus pnw is a 7mil GP Guild trying to build itself up.
Many of us left another guild to form Invictus PNW when we were dissatisfied with the management of the previous guild.
Our leader is PST (GMT +7) but we are active throughout the day and have members from across the United States.
We use the Line App to talk tactics and exchange notes and long term information. This isnt a must have, but definitely helps with communication
Raids are set times and days, specified by the Raid Officer weekly. We have minimal officers to avoid people from starting raids too early or without proper notice.
We have minimal activity requirements of at least daily ticket contribution and will boot after 7 days of inactivity without prior notice. We prefer if each member gets the 600 tickets, but is not a requirement.
No level or power level requirement, but we are actively growing and trying to maintain a certain level of each of the raids. (Tier 4 Rancor 2-3x/week, Tier 1 Sith. 8/9 Stars Territory Battles)
We are very laid back, but invested in the game. Most of us are F2P, so there is no pressure to push forward super quickly.
Hope to see you all in the guild!
Post edited by MasterWulfvin on


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