Rise of the FIST

From the ashes of The Fallen comes the FIST. Its not Chuck Norris' we wouldn't joke about that. It's a freshly divided guild offering a home for those great and...not so great...but we'll help you get there.
Fallen Imperial Strike Team:
48 hr activity policy
Heroic raids
Successful at tw
Progress in tb
Drama free culture, you might get a cookie, you might hear a horrible joke, but you will surely be surrounded by progressive players that donate, help, laugh at your horrible jokes, and enjoy the game as well as life outside of it.
FallenJedi (leader) 786-719-419

Fallen Initiate Strike Team
Geared towards low level development, lower tier raids and leisurely players. Experienced staff that can start you on the right path, get you back to where you need to be or support you in not giving a **** if that's how you roll.
Promotions available to those that prove themselves and we'll progress together every step of the way.
Weaksauce (leader) 435-542-649
Discord: BBQ sauce#7192
I am the guild recruiter and I will be happy to answer any question or concerns as long as they are game related. I'm not a licensed therapist and cannot help you with your mother in law or your dead end job.


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