Sith event??

Just wondering on your thoughts if we will be seeing a sith event soon and who will possibly be the reward?


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    maybe darth plagueis the sith healer we are all waiting for to make a sith team

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    Can't wait for this challenge
  • Telaan
    3454 posts Member
    The only available Sith in game are:

    - Sidious
    - Dooku
    - Savage
    - Maul
    - Vader

    So unless Maul becomes a f2p toon or more Sith are introduced I doubt there will be an all Sith event.
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    There likely wont ever be a sith healer imo. Sith are always fighting each other, can never cooperate effectively. Thats why they made the rule of 2. go ahead on youtube and search up some battles from the clone wars series. You can find tons of jedi v sith and sith v sith but never jedi v jedi
  • Telaan
    3454 posts Member
    Barris vs Ahsoka
    Barris vs Anakin

    Those are just two examples I can think of off the top of my head.
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    If it is for plagueis I hope it requires you to use sid and one other sith so it would be a two character event. I don't really care what plagueis does either. It could also be for bane who some how managed to come back from the void and possess someone or just look like the vision of him that yoda saw in the clone wars.
  • PiffGuru
    773 posts Member
    I would love to see a sith or empire event. something more darksided
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    Telaan wrote: »
    Barris vs Ahsoka
    Barris vs Anakin

    Those are just two examples I can think of off the top of my head.

    AnAkin against every youngling, pads wan, and Jedi in the galaxy?
  • Telaan
    3454 posts Member
    Telaan wrote: »
    Barris vs Ahsoka
    Barris vs Anakin

    Those are just two examples I can think of off the top of my head.

    AnAkin against every youngling, pads wan, and Jedi in the galaxy?

    I didn't add him cause technically he was a Sith and Darth Vader by then.
  • ChefHaze
    628 posts Member
    I think we'll see lots of events in the future.
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    Lol waiting for a 7 star vader will be waiting for new year 2 years from now.
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    Well techinically Barris was controlled by the worms. Worm vs Jedi
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    Would love all sith squad but technically almost all of us only 4 fully formed siths, Vader is impossible to star pass 5 right now. That's only because some of us been getting him in the shard shop once in awhile. But would love some sort of sith healer and I agree Plageius would be awesome.
  • Killgire1981
    63 posts Member
    edited March 2016

  • Skye
    795 posts Member
    There at the moment just isn't enough sith in the game to warrant an event. The options are too limited, currently... I mean they got Darth Traya, Darth Nihilus, Darth Sion, Malak who could all be added at a later date... but for now they're too limited...

    If anything I feel a droid event is much more likely and it's easier to extract a lot of droids from the various films and TV series. IF anything the most likely event for a droid imo will be to win R2-D2
    Former crazy person of the guild "Shard Awakens"... *quit game 13th July 2016*

    Game used to be fun when it wasn't a grind... if I wanted a grind I would have went and played old school Everquest or some Korean MMO!
  • Kurgath
    61 posts Member
    I don't understand why they're making the Dark Side characters so much harder to get. Darth Vader is impossible to farm, Grvious is behind an enormous paywall. On the other hand we have Yoda, who is supposed to be this big character, but is actually really easy to get, since there are so many Jedi in the game. I just hope they add some Sith Event, or most probably it's going to be an Empire Event for Emperor Palpatine, who will most probably be a healer. If the event is going to be like Yoda one, which requires characters from specific faction, then it's going to be Empire, especially now, when they added another Empire character in March.
  • J7000
    2059 posts Member
    If they could make an event without redoing the same "you must have all of one type garbage" sure
  • Ring
    559 posts Member
    xxakortsxx wrote: »
    You can find tons of jedi v sith and sith v sith but never jedi v jedi

    Google for "Jedi Schism". Sadly, all those events are only Legends now...

    An all-Sith event would be nice, but considering the fact that you can only get certain toons by buying them and others (Vader) with a LOT of patience, I don't think that'll happen any time soon.
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