Sith Raids needs to be addressed!

231 posts Member
edited March 2018
Phase 4 of the sith raid people who get to the 5% mark of either dn or sion get these 5% on top of their damage which is really unfair since they were only there at the right time and maybe didnt put too much effort in before. This is causing frustration in our guild since people who worked their kitten of to get a top spot suddenly end up below top 10 which is. just dumb. Please fix this ASAP
Post edited by Kyno on


  • MoBlaq
    585 posts Member
    you can always kick those who out damages you
  • BzmR94
    231 posts Member
    @MoBlaq they dont do it on purpose when traya is alone the dmg is also buggy
  • Saraleb
    2070 posts Member
    Weird... our guild care about finishing a raid so we can all progress not moaning about individual rankings... must be fun to be in your guild
  • leef
    13458 posts Member
    It's never going to be fair. So if you're easily frustrated, you're gonna be frustrated regardless. Using your JTR team in p1 instead of in p4 is going to increase your dmg quite abit for example.
    That said, i also find it weird that the 5% left on sion/nihilus gets attributed to the player(s) that so happen to be battling at that time. Not sure why they thought that was a good idea, maybe it was needed for the total dmg progression or something, i dunno. I wouldn't say it needs to be changed, but i definatel wouldn't mind if it got changed.
    Save water, drink champagne!
  • Fauztin
    1332 posts Member
    I for one, don’t understand why they don’t just go down to 0% health. Didn’t make any sense to me when they suddenly get sacrificed at 5%.

    Also, moved to Feedback: Raids
    "I am a leaf on the wind. Watch how I soar." ~ Hoban Washburne
  • BzmR94
    231 posts Member
    Fauztin wrote: »
    I for one, don’t understand why they don’t just go down to 0% health. Didn’t make any sense to me when they suddenly get sacrificed at 5%.

  • leef
    13458 posts Member
    They sacrifice that last 5% of health in order to gain the buffs. So it "makes sence".
    Save water, drink champagne!
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    leef wrote: »
    They sacrifice that last 5% of health in order to gain the buffs. So it "makes sence".

    Yep, this.

    Not sure why it counts as damage for the player but it is what it is.

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