GGC Guardians Alpha, about to farm Sith Heroic - 131m gp - Looking for a replacement

Hey guys,

So we're focusing on just Heroic Sith at this point. Our last run into P4 says we'll beat this next round we're suiting up for on April 13th. We've got a few guys that said they'll need to step down to a lower guild or need to take a break so we're looking to fill the ranks with people hungry for Traya.

First, we've been playing together a LONG time. We took Rancor and HAAT down shortly after launch and are planning to do same for Sith. We've got some 0 damage rules, ironman for rancor to make it fun, etc. We do pretty much max combats on TB as we're all generally passionate people about this game. We're currently ranked #17 in TW if you care about that sort of thing.

As for candidates, we're expecting you to have at least 3 of the 4 phase teams ready. We prefer Phase 2 of course. Please reach out to me if you think you're close or will be ready by April 13th, I'll be able to tell you if we are a good fit.



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