Returning player - advice for going forward?

Hi all,

I’ve just returned to goh after well more than a year away. There’s obviously been loads of changes and so at this point I’m wondering how best to go forward with my team? There’s a link to my best characters atm. I’d like to keep a Jedi theme for my main team as I put a lot of time into them before but other than that I’m open to any suggestions :)


  • Naraic
    2243 posts Member
    Qgj hermit Yoda Ezra old Ben general Kenobi is the best Jedi team at the moment.

    Otherwise if you want suggestions post a link to your so we can see your roster and make suggestions.
  • Tijack
    76 posts Member
    Jedi are in a pretty bad state. It doesnt help that vader and palpatine, that have bonuses against rebels and jedi, are currently meta. Hard to say what you should do right now without seeing your roster though.
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    Thanks for replying so quickly! Here’s a link to it:
  • Waqui
    8802 posts Member
    How is your fleet arena shard? If it's relatively new and you have a chance for reaching the top, I'd suggest that you focus on developing pilots, f.ex. Biggs, Wedge, Vader, TFP, FOTP Phoenix etc.

    If you prefer a jedi theme then Ezra, Kanan, JC, Mace Windu, Ahsoka and Plo Koon are also pilots.

    However, at some point you will want at least 5 non—capital dark side ships of at least 4* and 8 non—capital ships of any alignment at at least 5*. This is to gain access to farming zeta ability materials, which you will need to upgrade some of your jedi's abilities. F.ex. upgrading QGJ's leader ability is a must, while others are good as well.
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    I sat out for close to a year. Then came back, using the same account. I was strong in Jedi as well.
    I know you said you like Jedi, but you need to start on different squads very soon. You are probably not going to fall in arena, so you can transition to other squads and not lose much. I probably should have started over, but I thought I'd want to keep what I'd worked to get. Look at the #1 player on your shard. They are getting ~500 crystals every day, and the strength gap will get wider.

    The first thing I would do is farm scoundrels to be able to reach the highest tier on Credit Heist. Without credits coming in at the highest possible rate, you will always be short credits. You will be anyway, but getting 5 (or more) million each time now vs 1 or 2 million will add up quickly.

    I'd advise Phoenix to 7* for Thrawn and Emp Palp and to help clear GW.
    Empire for R2, and the necessary rebels for Commander Luke. By the time you have R2 7* and geared up, you could be ready for the CLS event.

    After that, I'd suggest Resistance.

    Farm for the ships for Phoenix, and Boba Fett (scoundrel) and what ever else you have pilots for. The real goal is to be able to get the all challenges completed. Your capitol ship/pilots need to be upgraded as well.

    Learn about mods. You need them now. I suggest Crouching Rancor for mod advice.
    They are easy to get, but expensive to take a 5* mod to level 15.

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    I'm rank 1514 in the fleet arena having only completed the first battle so I'm not sure what to make of that. Looking through the top 50 in squad arena, everyone has a maxed out squad which isn't surprising considering how old the shard is. Do you think it would be worth just starting again on a newer shard and going for phoenix/scoundrels from the beginning?
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    I've been back almost a year, after a year break. On the forum people suggested I start over. I didn't. After 3 months I really wished I had. I couldn't finish GW to save my life, and I was about 1500 in arena, and lucky to win one match a day. But I decided that I wasn't worried about finishing 1st in arena.

    Things started to get better, and I'm usually high 500's in arena now. I can win 3-5 battles a day, but I lose position as easy as I take it.

    I completed my 150 GW and can sim it if I want to, Phoenix was the key, they are so good here.

    My GP was about 210,000 when I came back. I'm at about 1.2 million now, just got CLS, and am ready for the Thrawn event later this month. I am at the point I can solo Rancor, and Phase 1 of hAAT. Now I'm working on Resistance, with the goal of getting JTR next time.

    If I had started over, I'm not sure where I'd be. But either way, I'd say the path is the same.
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    To be honest I doubt I'll take it serious enough to go for the top spots in arena even if I did restart so I'll plod along following your suggestions and see how things go. If it's too static and frustrating I can always start over but I'll cross that bridge if I ever come to it. Cheers!
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