Anyone else think we need shard raids?

4 posts Member
edited February 2016
I think a raid where you take one of your characters and team up with 5 other allies and battle a rancor, wampa, or a dionaga would be awesome. It would bring a nice team aspect to the game. It would also give us another way to get shards for characters.

Anyone else think we need shard raids? 54 votes

HyperalloyEunoeBarrokStevoTagichatnjeremyj26shampooScorpion1980MaxoooPerongelukMcPot45Willkimm98r2steve2SuckaJohnnyMakeBelieveJuan123InternetSwagGeofRivNikoms565Old_Tallen 45 votes
MittensPocoborLazerrift 3 votes
JaegerThomasLyleDarthNicoBogsquashHarfoushPocobor 6 votes


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    Details of said shard raid? Saying we need something without providing details, is like offering an analogy without a
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    Lol I'm assuming here but like wow?.
  • Cynder77
    4 posts Member
    edited February 2016
    Works for other mmos
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    Cynder77 wrote: »
    I think a raid where you take one of your characters and team up with 5 other allies and battle a rancor, wampa, or a dionaga would be awesome. It would bring a nice team aspect to the game. It would also give us another way to get shards for characters.

    So it's like a normal mission, but instead of 5 of your characters and 1 ally, you have 1 of yours and 5 ally's? No thanks. People would be crying cause their ally's suck and then everyone would be trying to get the best allies to be able to complete it when everyone has the same 2-3 leaders. All to get a shard that's already farmable. Cause you know they won't release any chromium exclusives into the 'raid'.
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    Mittens wrote: »
    Cynder77 wrote: »
    I think a raid where you take one of your characters and team up with 5 other allies and battle a rancor, wampa, or a dionaga would be awesome. It would bring a nice team aspect to the game. It would also give us another way to get shards for characters.

    So it's like a normal mission, but instead of 5 of your characters and 1 ally, you have 1 of yours and 5 ally's? No thanks. People would be crying cause their ally's suck and then everyone would be trying to get the best allies to be able to complete it when everyone has the same 2-3 leaders. All to get a shard that's already farmable. Cause you know they won't release any chromium exclusives into the 'raid'.

    I was thinking about a "live action battle" with a complete ally team. What I mean with this is, u and like 2 more real people fight against a really tough boss, with each having 5 toons.
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    Love the idea.
  • Cynder77
    4 posts Member
    edited February 2016
    Mittens wrote: »
    Cynder77 wrote: »
    I think a raid where you take one of your characters and team up with 5 other allies and battle a rancor, wampa, or a dionaga would be awesome. It would bring a nice team aspect to the game. It would also give us another way to get shards for characters.

    So it's like a normal mission, but instead of 5 of your characters and 1 ally, you have 1 of yours and 5 ally's? No thanks. People would be crying cause their ally's suck and then everyone would be trying to get the best allies to be able to complete it when everyone has the same 2-3 leaders. All to get a shard that's already farmable. Cause you know they won't release any chromium exclusives into the 'raid'.

    More like a timed event where you team up with friends and battle a boss. Everyone plays only their character and there can only be one of any character in a group. you must work together and coordinate through chat. Also do random character search so you can choose their class like healer, attacker, support, or tank and choose minimum stats. You could also choose difficulty by how many stars you want the boss to be. Higher stats means better drops. Get exclusive characters in it and possibly gear that everyone needs.
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    TMRevan wrote: »
    Mittens wrote: »
    Cynder77 wrote: »
    I think a raid where you take one of your characters and team up with 5 other allies and battle a rancor, wampa, or a dionaga would be awesome. It would bring a nice team aspect to the game. It would also give us another way to get shards for characters.

    So it's like a normal mission, but instead of 5 of your characters and 1 ally, you have 1 of yours and 5 ally's? No thanks. People would be crying cause their ally's suck and then everyone would be trying to get the best allies to be able to complete it when everyone has the same 2-3 leaders. All to get a shard that's already farmable. Cause you know they won't release any chromium exclusives into the 'raid'.

    I was thinking about a "live action battle" with a complete ally team. What I mean with this is, u and like 2 more real people fight against a really tough boss, with each having 5 toons.

    If they can't (or won't) do this with pvp, it surely won't happen for this. At least not for a ln gong while. There are many other issues they need to address before something like this will ever enter their minds. I.e. GW, purple drops, credits, characters, bugs, buffs, nerfs, events, challenges, level cap
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    We need an event for the abilities mats
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    Mittens wrote: »
    TMRevan wrote: »
    Mittens wrote: »
    Cynder77 wrote: »
    I think a raid where you take one of your characters and team up with 5 other allies and battle a rancor, wampa, or a dionaga would be awesome. It would bring a nice team aspect to the game. It would also give us another way to get shards for characters.

    So it's like a normal mission, but instead of 5 of your characters and 1 ally, you have 1 of yours and 5 ally's? No thanks. People would be crying cause their ally's suck and then everyone would be trying to get the best allies to be able to complete it when everyone has the same 2-3 leaders. All to get a shard that's already farmable. Cause you know they won't release any chromium exclusives into the 'raid'.

    I was thinking about a "live action battle" with a complete ally team. What I mean with this is, u and like 2 more real people fight against a really tough boss, with each having 5 toons.

    If they can't (or won't) do this with pvp, it surely won't happen for this. At least not for a ln gong while. There are many other issues they need to address before something like this will ever enter their minds. I.e. GW, purple drops, credits, characters, bugs, buffs, nerfs, events, challenges, level cap

    Pvp is a whole other story... Not everybody on your shard is on your same timezone, both would have to "search" a battle at the same time or u would have to "invite" him for a battle (which could be more problematic). With this idea I was thinking about using all the shards (just like gw works) so its easier to find someone, making the player issue less a issue and who doesnt love to play with other real players?
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    I think you could do boom beach style missions. You have one boss and some troops or maybe multiple waves and your team would have to take them down. So the first goal might be to take out a charactor giving the boss a huge defense buff and it might take 3 teams to kill it. Then your next group could focus in on the boss.
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    TMRevan wrote: »
    Mittens wrote: »
    TMRevan wrote: »
    Mittens wrote: »
    Cynder77 wrote: »
    I think a raid where you take one of your characters and team up with 5 other allies and battle a rancor, wampa, or a dionaga would be awesome. It would bring a nice team aspect to the game. It would also give us another way to get shards for characters.

    So it's like a normal mission, but instead of 5 of your characters and 1 ally, you have 1 of yours and 5 ally's? No thanks. People would be crying cause their ally's suck and then everyone would be trying to get the best allies to be able to complete it when everyone has the same 2-3 leaders. All to get a shard that's already farmable. Cause you know they won't release any chromium exclusives into the 'raid'.

    I was thinking about a "live action battle" with a complete ally team. What I mean with this is, u and like 2 more real people fight against a really tough boss, with each having 5 toons.

    If they can't (or won't) do this with pvp, it surely won't happen for this. At least not for a ln gong while. There are many other issues they need to address before something like this will ever enter their minds. I.e. GW, purple drops, credits, characters, bugs, buffs, nerfs, events, challenges, level cap

    Pvp is a whole other story... Not everybody on your shard is on your same timezone, both would have to "search" a battle at the same time or u would have to "invite" him for a battle (which could be more problematic). With this idea I was thinking about using all the shards (just like gw works) so its easier to find someone, making the player issue less a issue and who doesnt love to play with other real players?

    But it would be the same code. Not everyone On your shard is in the same time zone, but you would have the same problem trying trying to get random people together to fight a boss. And what happens if one of those people joins and doesn't fight, either because their phone died, they got a call, Mommy said it was dinner time, or they just want to be carried? Why should I use my time and effort to win a fight ( and possibly barely lose) because someone else doesn't want to / can't participate? For a game like this, i don't see it possible.
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    Greg1920 wrote: »
    I think you could do boom beach style missions. You have one boss and some troops or maybe multiple waves and your team would have to take them down. So the first goal might be to take out a charactor giving the boss a huge defense buff and it might take 3 teams to kill it. Then your next group could focus in on the boss.

    I would like something like this. If you had to make 3 teams of your own troops to fight 1 boss or 3 waves, etc, it would bring more meaning to having a deep bench other than GW. Similar to GW where a defeat would keep the enemy health and CDs recorded, you can strategize your team to find the best way to take them out. Or maybe they have so much health, you need to have 3 strong teams to take them down. Something along these lines, I can get on board with.
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    Mittens wrote: »
    TMRevan wrote: »
    Mittens wrote: »
    TMRevan wrote: »
    Mittens wrote: »
    Cynder77 wrote: »
    I think a raid where you take one of your characters and team up with 5 other allies and battle a rancor, wampa, or a dionaga would be awesome. It would bring a nice team aspect to the game. It would also give us another way to get shards for characters.

    So it's like a normal mission, but instead of 5 of your characters and 1 ally, you have 1 of yours and 5 ally's? No thanks. People would be crying cause their ally's suck and then everyone would be trying to get the best allies to be able to complete it when everyone has the same 2-3 leaders. All to get a shard that's already farmable. Cause you know they won't release any chromium exclusives into the 'raid'.

    I was thinking about a "live action battle" with a complete ally team. What I mean with this is, u and like 2 more real people fight against a really tough boss, with each having 5 toons.

    If they can't (or won't) do this with pvp, it surely won't happen for this. At least not for a ln gong while. There are many other issues they need to address before something like this will ever enter their minds. I.e. GW, purple drops, credits, characters, bugs, buffs, nerfs, events, challenges, level cap

    Pvp is a whole other story... Not everybody on your shard is on your same timezone, both would have to "search" a battle at the same time or u would have to "invite" him for a battle (which could be more problematic). With this idea I was thinking about using all the shards (just like gw works) so its easier to find someone, making the player issue less a issue and who doesnt love to play with other real players?

    But it would be the same code. Not everyone On your shard is in the same time zone, but you would have the same problem trying trying to get random people together to fight a boss. And what happens if one of those people joins and doesn't fight, either because their phone died, they got a call, Mommy said it was dinner time, or they just want to be carried? Why should I use my time and effort to win a fight ( and possibly barely lose) because someone else doesn't want to / can't participate? For a game like this, i don't see it possible.

    Make it so its always auto battle and even if they somehow get disconnected (battery died, lost connection etc etc) their team stays. And about the "hard time finding people", like I said previously, if u include all shards it going to be very easy to find someone, unlike pvp, because (for me at least) not only you are limited to certain people per shard. Moreover, if you are high rank u are even more limited.
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    Who would say no???
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    TMRevan wrote: »
    Mittens wrote: »
    TMRevan wrote: »
    Mittens wrote: »
    TMRevan wrote: »
    Mittens wrote: »
    Cynder77 wrote: »
    I think a raid where you take one of your characters and team up with 5 other allies and battle a rancor, wampa, or a dionaga would be awesome. It would bring a nice team aspect to the game. It would also give us another way to get shards for characters.

    So it's like a normal mission, but instead of 5 of your characters and 1 ally, you have 1 of yours and 5 ally's? No thanks. People would be crying cause their ally's suck and then everyone would be trying to get the best allies to be able to complete it when everyone has the same 2-3 leaders. All to get a shard that's already farmable. Cause you know they won't release any chromium exclusives into the 'raid'.

    I was thinking about a "live action battle" with a complete ally team. What I mean with this is, u and like 2 more real people fight against a really tough boss, with each having 5 toons.

    If they can't (or won't) do this with pvp, it surely won't happen for this. At least not for a ln gong while. There are many other issues they need to address before something like this will ever enter their minds. I.e. GW, purple drops, credits, characters, bugs, buffs, nerfs, events, challenges, level cap

    Pvp is a whole other story... Not everybody on your shard is on your same timezone, both would have to "search" a battle at the same time or u would have to "invite" him for a battle (which could be more problematic). With this idea I was thinking about using all the shards (just like gw works) so its easier to find someone, making the player issue less a issue and who doesnt love to play with other real players?

    But it would be the same code. Not everyone On your shard is in the same time zone, but you would have the same problem trying trying to get random people together to fight a boss. And what happens if one of those people joins and doesn't fight, either because their phone died, they got a call, Mommy said it was dinner time, or they just want to be carried? Why should I use my time and effort to win a fight ( and possibly barely lose) because someone else doesn't want to / can't participate? For a game like this, i don't see it possible.

    Make it so its always auto battle and even if they somehow get disconnected (battery died, lost connection etc etc) their team stays. And about the "hard time finding people", like I said previously, if u include all shards it going to be very easy to find someone, unlike pvp, because (for me at least) not only you are limited to certain people per shard. Moreover, if you are high rank u are even more limited.

    If it's auto battle, whats the point in having allies fright along side you? They wouldnt even know they are helping you. Plus, not being able to control the battle wouldn't set well with the majority of players. You can CHOOSE to auto challenges now, having an event where the ONLY option is to literally a 'push the button and take a ****' will not go over well with many people. Which is why they made pvp where you can play, and not just auto only. This just won't work for the foreseeable future. Again, it's too complex to get to work when there more pressing matters at hand.
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    Cynder77 wrote: »
    I think a raid where you take one of your characters and team up with 5 other allies and battle a rancor, wampa, or a dionaga would be awesome. It would bring a nice team aspect to the game. It would also give us another way to get shards for characters.

    If I may add, if developers would take interest, I believe this could introduce another dynamic to the game: Why not make the shards awarded from these raids either be a random from the teams collection or let the rewarded shards be specific to the character each player has chosen. This would highly insentavise online play and give shards a slight value increase in the game's economy. This would in turn decrease the threshold for consumers to be able to invest in the game's most valuable currency.
    This is good for you the developers and the consumer end as well. More people who are capable of comfortably partaking in the game's wealthiest and most lucrative form of collecting can obviously increase in app revenues. For the consumer that means more capital for the institution we are investing in, but also a reasonable wagering token for expectations from the development team.
    Finally this would also benefit free-to-play gamers by introducing training any character in the game they want, with the stipulation of already having the character you want to train. Notice again we see a decrease in possible-investor-threshold. Now for those who may only want to spend $10 but don't see any long term benefit in doing so, as it would require spending more to train pack based characters, would see a long term benefit to just spending the $10.
    This means free-to-play will be more accessible, increasing chatter and free downloads will increase distribution, and the number of investors/consumers increases. The distribution will increase by a functional form of marketing. Make something better and people will talk about it. A roommate overhears, "The game is so much more fun to play and I don't even have to spend money!" or "These developers do such a good job keeping this game fresh." These are forms of localized marketing which attract consumers by word of mouth instead of curiosity induced by an advertisement. Therefore with more people playing, playing longer, and decreased thresholds for principal investments by prior free-to-play gamers, combined with a decreased threshold for investments in the games more lucrative currencies, Taking in fantastic suggestions like the one above with thoughtful consideration of the apps longevity and consumer experience can make this a prominent app. Which I should give praise to so far. You have a very vocal and receptive development team and an attention to detail we appreciate.

    You have my vote for shard raids,


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