Galaxy Of Zeroes Recruiting 2 Mil+ Players


We want YOU!

We are an active guild looking for active members. We use LINE chat as our primary method of communication and also take advantage of guild chat from time to time. We encourage communication and group building. We are currently doing T7 raids and HAAT 2-3 times per week or more and are running Sith Raid 2 times per week. Both Rancor and HAAT have 0 damage periods to help everyone earn loot. We consistently score 30+ stars in TB and have been pushing towards 35 stars. We want/need some active, strong players who do their fair share. My name is Cory. Add me as an ally and I'll send you an invite. PLEASE BE ACTIVE and PLEASE USE AND/OR READ THE LINE CHAT! With TB, TW, and Sith Raid taking over, communication with our guildmates is a must.

Ally Code:

We are a fun guild, but we want to grow and we are working every day to improve. We consider ourselves semi-serious, as inactivity will get you the boot, but we don't require daily productivity stats of any kind. We expect you to pull your weight and be self-sufficient without micromanagement.

***MUST BE LEVEL 85 with AT LEAST 2 Million GP. Would prefer players that have CLS, Thrawn, and at least one of the Vetran Smugglers or JTR so that you are ready for Sith Raid. Players with full Trooper teams get priority as well.

Eastern Time Zone, US (most of us).
3 spots open
*PM me with any questions
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