Arena Team - returning player

Hi everyone, I am a returning player that hasn't played in a very long time. I can't remember the last time I logged in other than today. I want to play again but I want to know if its even worth sticking with this account or starting a fresh? here is my list of characters if anyone can recommend a team from these? I have a lot more 5* and 4* characters but from what I've got now can I build a team? I used to be in the top 100 but now sit at 700 in the arena. Any help would be great.

Biggs 7*
Palpatine 7*
Boba Fett 7*
Darth Vader 7*
Luminara 7*
Wedge 7*
Lando 7*
GM Yoda 7*
Poe Dameron 7*
HK-70 7*
Mace Windu 7*
Qui-Gon Jinn 7*
Jedi Consular 7*
Darth Maul 7*
Kylo Ren 7*
Stormtrooper Han 7*
IG-86 7*
Eeth Koth 7*
Admiral Ackbar 7*
Plo Koon 7*
CT-5555 7*

Dooku 6*
Rey Scavenger 6*
Phasma 6*
Poggle TLS 6*
Ewok elder 6*
CC-2224 6*
CT-21-0408 6*

Shoretrooper 5*


  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    I almost want to say you could make that work. You have a few good pieces to some of the solid puzzles.

    The real question is when did you start? Do you care about being top 50 in arena?

    What level are you? Your GP, vs the GP of those at top in arena?

    If you are ok with starting over and care about arena then it's almost always better to do so and get a fresh shard. IMHO.

    If you want to slug at it for the next several months and wade through the mud you can get "back into the game" in your current shard, just takes effort and focus.
  • Darthpedro
    1175 posts Member
    Another big question is did you stop before mods came out? If not what does your mod situation look like. If you don't have good mods you could be looking at a long road
  • Options
    Kyno wrote: »
    I almost want to say you could make that work. You have a few good pieces to some of the solid puzzles.

    The real question is when did you start? Do you care about being top 50 in arena?

    What level are you? Your GP, vs the GP of those at top in arena?

    If you are ok with starting over and care about arena then it's almost always better to do so and get a fresh shard. IMHO.

    If you want to slug at it for the next several months and wade through the mud you can get "back into the game" in your current shard, just takes effort and focus.

    I'm level 85 and my GP is only 610,00. I have 35 million that I could use on upgrades and 35,000 squad arena points to spend (If anyone is worth it on there). I have just checked and the top 50 in my shard all have 1.8 million GP. I'm not fussed about the top 50, but top 100-200 would have been nice. It looks like I left too big of a gap before returning to play.
  • Options
    Darthpedro wrote: »
    Another big question is did you stop before mods came out? If not what does your mod situation look like. If you don't have good mods you could be looking at a long road

    I stopped after the mods came out, I don't know if the mods I have now are good enough though. I'm willing to grind but it depends on if it's worth it.
  • Stokat
    835 posts Member
    As mentioned above it pretty much comes down to what aspects of the game you think is more important. If you are playing purely for arena then yes, competition will be fierce since you are bound to have fallen behind a lot during your absence. If arena is you only/main priority it might be easier to start over.

    On the other hand the game has developed a lot and there are many more fun parts to play. In most if not all other aspects of the game you will of course be better off keeping your current as you have already farmed many toons that you would otherwise have to re-farm and gear.
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