Best Rebels to deal with Sith Meta

28 posts Member
Just wondering what rebels work best with CLS to take down EP teams. Im currently using CLS, R2, Leia, Chaze and get destroyed. I have wiggs geared up as well. Do not have raid han geared yet (gear 9 5*).


  • TVF
    36804 posts Member
    Gear him then! I use CLS R2 Wiggs Han and Han stunning Vader at the beginning is the first step to an easy win.
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  • Naraic
    2243 posts Member
    Raid Han is the most important. If he stuns Vader with always shoots first he breaks the Palpatine cycle.
  • bhon18
    28 posts Member
    Is he viable at 5*?
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    CLS Han Solo Chirrut Baze R2 - That team destroys EP teams on offense. Pretty terrible on defense though, against any meta teams.

    Solo stuns Vader- should let your R2 or CLS go next to buff immunity their tank and stun EP- If Chirrut can get tenacity up without cleansing a bunch of debuffs, it is a walk in the park from there. Focus down EP first while keeping DN stunned as much as possible.

    This team destroys NS too.

    Rex L - Solo CLS Thrawn GK works very similar.

  • bhon18
    28 posts Member
    Alright so get han up and running, thx for the advice!
  • VonZant
    3843 posts Member
    Yeah CLS and Han. All of the AOE from a Palp team sets off a lot of counters that can ruin your day. Raid Hans counters are no joke.

    I run EP DV Sion (4*) DN Thrawn. Ive taken to removing Thrawn or Nihilus and putting in an 85% tenacity Shoretrooper against CLS teams. As soon as my Sith Trooper is geared I will use him. The Tenacity helps resist the CLS initial attack on occasion.

    So if you are running rebels look for EP teams with just one Tank and you should have pretty good sucess with them if you can stun Vader from the start. And yes 5* Raid Han works fine. He is really only needed to stun vader then its ok if he dies. If your Chirrut gets his Tenacity up off its usually gg unless the other team has a slower Sion to clear the buffs. CLS and R2 are enough to Stunlock and kill the other team.
  • HK666
    1263 posts Member
    I run a Ep, Sion, DV, Shore, DN team.

    I can tell you right now, that if Sion or EP die early (or get shut down) it's gonna to be a long, hard match that I may even take the L on even on offense.

    I have those most trouble with attacker heavy CLS teams. I avoid Rhan at all costs (he stuns ep a lot which is a big deal) unless he's under JTR. CLS, Rhan + any rebel attacker not called Fulcrum or Chirrut means I'm going to look for a different team.

    BUT, that is with my g11 team with only Zeta lead and Sion against g12 teams. Mods usually about even or leaning my direction
  • Wrotton
    88 posts Member
    This video works out. Its basically CLS lead, Chaze, R2, and Raid Han.

  • RacerDejak
    3203 posts Member
    Need crazy mod also for cls rebel to defeat top sith meta
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    Maybe it's the nature of my shard, but with CLS, Old Ben, Leia, Raid Han and R2 - these supposed Sith/Empire meta teams are the only ones I have success in beating.

    I don't remotely fear them.
  • Naraic
    2243 posts Member
    edited April 2018
    Maybe it's the nature of my shard, but with CLS, Old Ben, Leia, Raid Han and R2 - these supposed Sith/Empire meta teams are the only ones I have success in beating.

    I don't remotely fear them.

    Raid Han is the best counter to the current meta. Stun Vader before the force crush culling blade everyone goes mass stun gets started and you win.

    It's like beating nightsisters with troopers.
  • TVF
    36804 posts Member
    RacerDejak wrote: »
    Need crazy mod also for cls rebel to defeat top sith meta

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  • RacerDejak
    3203 posts Member
    TVF wrote: »
    RacerDejak wrote: »
    Need crazy mod also for cls rebel to defeat top sith meta


    Half true, assume top sith meta is top 20 arena team in at least 2016 shard who have minimal +100 speed. How can cls rebel team with +50 speed outrun them?

    But if we talk about younger arena shard that the top 20 leaderboard have average +50 speed sith meta, yes bad mod cls team can defeat them.
  • TVF
    36804 posts Member
    You didn't say bad mods, you said you need crazy mods to win, which is untrue.

    And you're ignoring the fact that Han goes first no matter what.
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  • RacerDejak
    3203 posts Member
    Han goes first is sure thing, but it's not win guarantee. What if palp have higher speed than ur cls, also with nihilus. How u can maximize cls TMR utility or debuff on someone if he don't have nice potency. Cls have 40% base potency, but palp lead reduce rebel potency.

    Bad mod can't do that stuff. Show me people with bad mod can do that. Obviously cls setup need crazy mod.
  • TVF
    36804 posts Member
    TVF wrote: »
    You didn't say bad mods, you said you need crazy mods to win, which is untrue.

    Since you keep ignoring this, I see no reason to respond further. What you said was wrong. End of story.
    I need a new message here.
  • ProximaB1_
    1093 posts Member
    RacerDejak wrote: »
    Han goes first is sure thing, but it's not win guarantee. What if palp have higher speed than ur cls, also with nihilus. How u can maximize cls TMR utility or debuff on someone if he don't have nice potency. Cls have 40% base potency, but palp lead reduce rebel potency.

    Bad mod can't do that stuff. Show me people with bad mod can do that. Obviously cls setup need crazy mod.

    +1 just saying
  • RacerDejak
    3203 posts Member
    TVF wrote: »
    TVF wrote: »
    You didn't say bad mods, you said you need crazy mods to win, which is untrue.

    Since you keep ignoring this, I see no reason to respond further. What you said was wrong. End of story.
    RacerDejak wrote: »
    Bad mod can't do that stuff. Show me people with bad mod can do that. Obviously cls setup need crazy mod.
  • TVF
    36804 posts Member
    edited April 2018
    Deleted because you clearly don't get it. If you think there's nothing between bad mods and crazy mods, it's beyond explaining to you.

    I need a new message here.
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