Sacrilicious recruiting a Leader

Sacrilicious needs you, to step up and be a leader. THE leader. Our guild began to grow strong, but then the founding fathers were lured away by promises of greatness and riches. So they left, taking several with them, and several more left in their wake. Someone rose up from within the battered ranks and set our course true again... then did the same thing. On the verge of disbandment, an unwilling lurker holds up the banner until someone can lead us again... will it be you?

Sacrilicious has been around for at least 18 months, maybe longer. We're definitely a guild which has fought to achieve our goals, and fought against breaking apart. I've been here since we had 8 members, when we had 50 members and over 30M GP, and now, after surviving 2 emigrations, we have 27 members and 17.5M GP. We are the loyal core who, despite not counting a leader among us, doesn't want to see it end. We're mostly level 85 with several down through 70s. We've got great potential, a few of us have quite spiffy rosters and we're able to run Heroic Pit, Normal Tank, and not sure where we top out on Sith raid. We would like to get enough active members to stop missing TW, and do better in TB.

That's where you come in, a strong, active, communicative player who wants to run a guild. Perhaps you've learned by experience or you already have your master plan but you just need a rank and file. If you think you'd be a good leader, and are willing to put that to work, please contact me.

Delar Xibil, Sacrilicious
Active Lurker / Interim Leader
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